Overview of FY00

The Intelligence Personnel Management Office (IPMO) divided its efforts in 2000 in support of Army Transformation among maintenance of the legacy civilian personnel management system (the Civilian Intelligence Personnel Management System [CIPMS]), development of an interim system which became a hybrid of CIPMS and the evolving Defense Civilian Intelligence Personnel System (DCIPS), and planning for the objective system, a pure DCIPS.

  1. Major accomplishments in support of the legacy system were: numerous on-site personnel management assistance visits around the world; publication of many short articles on a variety of personnel management issues on the internet for easy access by managers, supporting human resource (HR) specialists and employees; continued extension of the Interchange Agreement for CIPMS between the DOD and the Office of Personnel Management's Competitive Service; extensive classification training for supervisors and supporting HR specialists; the review and approval of several dozen requests for waiver of the 180 day prohibition on hiring retiring military; the completion of the establishment and staffing of 16 senior civilian positions; the execution of the Functional Chief Representative's competitive development program for Career Program 35; the support to ASA(M&RA) on several work groups to improve personnel practices; the continued maintenance and upgrade of extensive CIPMS/DCIPS websites on the NIPRnet, SIPRnet and JWICS; and the faithful publication to the field of information on the activities of the IPMO.
  2. Major accomplishment in support of the interim civilian personnel management system were: the conversion of Army's CIPMS population to DCIPS and the conversion of the General Schedule (GS) work force to the GG schedule; the completion of a major revision of the Army Civilian Training, Education and Development System (ACTEDS) plan for Career Program 35, Intelligence; the continued administration of the Intelligence Community Assignment Program (ICAP); and the heavy involvement in development of the DOD Intelligence Community Revitalize and Reshape the Workforce Thrust.
  3. Major accomplishments in support of the objective civilian personnel management system were: significant work in aid of the approval of a Director Central Intelligence Directive on the Intelligence Community Officer (ICO) programs; taking the lead in developing a DOD policy chapter on employment; close work with the community to finalize the Intelligence Community Officer Training (ICOT) program; extensive assistance to such key Revitalize and Reshape initiatives as diversity analysis, community recruitment planning and development of an IC-wide recruitment website; and assistance to the Community Management Staff in the passage of a groundbreaking Intelligence Program Review Group initiative on HR management.