MACOM and FOA civilian personnel offices are requested to provide the enclosed information to the Intelligence Personnel Management Office (IPMO) upon completion of implementation of the AOG for Intelligence and Threat Support, GS-132. Subordinate installations or activities should be instructed to use the enclosed pages to provide the information and data listed.

Summarization at the MACOM/FOA level is not necessary. Rather, the packages submitted from field organizations to MACOMs should be forwarded directly to the IPMO. If desired by MACOMs, field activities may be instructed to send the information straight to the IPMO. Functional career program managers are also asked to provide the IPMO with their response to the General Implementation Questions.

MACOMs/FOAs and/or Activities should return reports to the IPMO point of contact: HQDA (DAMI-CP), Intelligence Personnel Management Office (Mary Tanzer), Washington, D.C. 20310-1006 commercial (703) 285-5202 or DSN 356-5202.

Encl 2

Summary Sheet, Page 1

Summary Sheet, Page 2

Summary Sheet, Page 3


CPO POC:__________________________  Functional POC:_____________
DSN:______________________________  DSN:______________________
Commercial: ________________________  Commercial:________________



Directions: Please circle the most accurate response to the following questions, or provide brief comments, where applicable. If necessary, use additional sheets of paper to provide information requested, or further comments.



1. Did your installation or activity develop a plan for the implementation of the CIPMS classification guide?

a. Yes__________________________________________________________

(If yes, briefly describe the plan.)


(If no, briefly describe the implementation process used.)



2. If grades went up upon implementation of the CIPMS classification guide, what were the reasons?

a. Solely the application of the classification guide.

b. Position(s) changed since the last classification allocation.



3. If the position(s) changed since the last classification allocations, what were the nature of the changes.

a. Accretion of duties.

b. Restructuring the levels of work in the organization.

c. Nature of work, such that the series changed.

(If the series changed, state which series from and to the work fell.)



4. With the implementation of the I&TS AOG and/or the CIPMS PGS, Part 3, did managers use the opportunity to review, study and revise their organizational structures? Were position management principles applied to revise job descriptions such that a balance among mission needs, economy, efficiency of operations, and effective employee utilization was attained (AR-690-13.3-1.a)?

a. Yes__________________________________________________________

b. No___________________________________________________________


5. When applying the I&TS AOG and/or the CIPMS PGS, Part 3, was it necessary to use position management principles to restructure positions to keep them at their current grade levels because of fund shortfalls?

a. Yes__________________________________________________________

(If yes, use a separate page to provide the number of positions by series and grade-level, and the total number of grades saved. State which AOG applied, or whether the CIPMS PGS, Part 3, was used.)

b. No_________________________________________________________



6. Who has classification authority at your activity or installation?

a. Managers___________________________________________________

(If classification authority has been delegated to managers, state the managerial level. ______________________________________________________

b. Personnel specialists__________________________________________



7. Has application of the I&TS AOG influenced the grade-levels of supervisory/ managerial positions over I&TS work?

a. Yes__________________________________________________________

(If yes, please comment on the affect.)

b. No___________________________________________________________



8. Were positions reclassified from supervisory to nonsupervisory upon implementation of the CIPMS AOGs and/or PGS, Part 3?

a. Yes________________________________________________________

(If yes, for those positions which did change, provide copies of the supervisory and nonsupervisory job descriptions. State the number of positions affected, and provide a brief explanation for the reclassification from supervisory to nonsupervisory.)

b. No________________________________________________________



9. Is the CIPMS classification system easy to understand and apply?

a. Yes

b. No

(If no, please state problem areas. Provide recommended solutions or suggestions, if any.)




Provide any other general comments you wish to make in regard to the CIPMS classification system, standards and guides.