

General Introduction

Report on Implementation


Functional Categories


   Factor A    |    Factor B    |    Factor C    |    Factor D    |    Factor E    |



Section C of the AOG for Positions in the Intelligence Specialist Series, GS-132, applies to positions performing Intelligence and Threat Support (I&TS) work within the Intelligence Specialist Series, GS-132, in Army.

Major functional areas of this work are: Intelligence Requirements; Research and Support Operations; and, Staff Management. A function for Foreign Materiel Program (FMP) Activities is also included. Positions covered by this AOG may perform duties from one or all of the functional categories described.


Military operations, development of concepts and doctrine, combat and materiel development and the conduct of realistic training requires consideration of intelligence and threat by the operators, developers and trainers. The United States has created a sizable, highly specialized and closely controlled intelligence system to collect, analyze, produce and disseminate the requisite intelligence. Intelligence is produced in a logical cycle of customer requirements, collections, data analysis, production/dissemination, customer receipt and evaluation and integration and finally more requirements to start the cycle again.

Intelligence and Threat Support positions interface functionally throughout the intelligence cycle, as they provide the full time professional points through which consumers register their needs (requirements) and receive the required intelligence and threat data. They are also involved in the other phases of the intelligence cycle through direct coordination and contact with producers, collectors and dissemination managers. Intelligence and Threat Support positions serve a vital resource conservation and prioritization function for both consumers and the intelligence community. They extract and interpret consumer requirements, and submit them to applicable intelligence organizations, injecting them into applicable intelligence channels. They also select key pieces of data from diverse substantive disciplines, interpret the data in the context of customer problems and concerns, and provide authoritative advice on their application based on extensive knowledge of needs and requirements of intelligence and threat customers. I&TS specialists frequently prepare very detailed products for their customers that reflect extensive, highly specialized analysis and knowledge of the intelligence or threat topic(s), such as system threat assessments.

The Intelligence and Threat Support discipline within the DOD Intelligence Specialist, GS-132 series provides the full time, day-to-day, focused interface between the national, departmental and service intelligence communities and the final consumer. I&TS positions exist at all levels of the DOD from the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) level to single program or project offices, laboratories or agencies/activities.

The most important distinguishing characteristic of an I&TS position, contrasted to other Intelligence Specialist, GS-132, positions is the fact that successful accomplishment of the job requires extensive knowledge of and involvement in the programs of the supported community. An I&TS Intelligence Specialist must be knowledgeable of the intelligence community and of specific substantive issues/topics, and be able to relate intelligence procedures and substantive issues to the customer's projects, activities and concerns. An I&TS position requires that the incumbent have one foot in the intelligence community and the other in the customer communities. It must be recognized that I&TS positions are inherently mixed positions containing elements of a number of intelligence and non-intelligence work. Training and resource management are examples of non-intelligence tasks and knowledges often required within I&TS positions.

I&TS positions are normally an integral part of a larger non-intelligence organization such as an AMC Research Development and Engineering (RD&E) Center, a U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) Center and School or the Combined Arms Command Threat Directorate, and the Operational Test Evaluation Command. They may be funded by nearly any DOD Program Element, but are ordinarily not funded by Program 3I (Intelligence funds), as P3I positions are normally in intelligence community organizations. This fact frequently mandates extensive resource management knowledge and activity by I&TS Intelligence Specialists because they ensure that funding, force, and other resource requirements for intelligence and threat support systems are continuously considered, included and provided throughout the entire materiel acquisition and doctrine development process.

I&TS positions within TRADOC are normally within the Threat Management function. I&TS positions within AMC are normally within the Foreign Intelligence Office. One of the most critical, but often misunderstood features of I&TS positions is the scope and complexity of the duties a single individual is frequently called upon to perform. A single, individual, Threat Manager or Foreign Intelligence Officer must have knowledge of his/her command's projects nearly equal to the project manager's knowledge, and of the threat nearly as detailed and comprehensive as a full time specialized production analyst's knowledge. An I&TS specialist will frequently have to be familiar with contracting requirements and the intelligence needs of contractors, industrial security regulations and have the ability to carefully assess contractor requests for information.

I&TS positions provide direct support to customers that range across the mission and functions of the DOD. Essentially, there are no DOD organizations, elements or activities that are not at least potential customers for I&TS. In general, however, the DOD elements that conduct military operations and training, doctrine, combat and materiel development, and readiness functions constitute the bulk of I&TS consumers. Within TRADOC, typical consumers include development and training officials at centers and schools, and at the Combined Arms Command. These consumers are responsible for analyzing U.S. Army combat capabilities and developing new tactics, doctrine, force level recommendations, training, and materiel requirements. Within TRADOC, I&TS Threat Managers assist the combat, training, and doctrine developers by creating specialized intelligence requirements, obtaining, interpreting and integrating intelligence and threat data, reviewing and advising on developers' studies for adequate consideration of intelligence/threat. Threat managers also insure that the threat portrayal in doctrinal manuals is realistic, and operational testing and threat training is accurate and realistic. Threat managers are vital in developing scenarios that are used in modeling, war-gaming and in technical and operational testing.

AMC customers range from a junior engineer who may require a very precise and specific piece of intelligence requiring extensive research, to the Program Executive Officer (PEO) who is responsible for the successful fielding of several large and complex weapons systems. The PEO requires extremely complex, multifaceted support, often extending over many years. The accuracy, comprehensiveness and overall quality of such support can impact the design, test, evaluation and ultimate battlefield success of critical national defense systems.

Although most examples in this AOG are taken from AMC and TRADOC, these positions also exist in other Army activities. I&TS personnel conduct staff management of the Intelligence and Threat Support organizations within their respective commands, conduct inter-command coordination, and deal extensively with departmental and national intelligence agencies on managerial issues. They also manage threat studies and perform substantive interchanges with intelligence subject matter experts. I&TS personnel may also operate threat simulators in conformance with threat force doctrine and tactics in support of testing and/or training.

I&TS positions are also the managerial focal points for AMC and TRADOC involvement in both the acquisition and exploitation aspects of the Foreign Materiel Program. (Note: I&TS personnel are not the managers for various international R&D programs which may involve foreign materiel, but must be aware of them.) Ordinarily, larger I&TS offices will have one or more individuals devoted wholly to FMP affairs, while in smaller or one person offices, FMP functions and duties are a part of the large I&TS job. FMP management mandates significant involvement with fiscal management, technical planning, security management, and overall project management.


Users are referred to the following publications for terms common to Intelligence and Threat Support: DOD Directive-5000.1, Defense Acquisition, dated 23 February 1991; DOD Instruction 5000.2, Defense Acquisition Management Policy and Procedures, dated 23 February 1991; and DOD Manual, 5000.2-M, Defense Acquisition Management Documentation and Reports, dated 23 February 1991. Also, the US Army Materiel Acquisition Handbook, (AMC Pamphlet 70-2, TRADOC Pamphlet 70-2), and TRADOC Threat Support Handbook--Materiel Acquisition, TRADOC Pamphlet No. 381-3. These reference will assist in understanding the environment in which I&TS positions exist.

Defense Intelligence Special Career Automated System (DISCAS) codes for work commonly found in the I&TS discipline have been excerpted from DOD 1430.10-M-3, DOD-Wide Intelligence Career Development Program, and listed in this AOG.

Grade band duty descriptions are provided for Entry, Full Performance, Expert, and Senior Expert Levels for each functional area. They represent nonsupervisory duties typically found in each grade band, for each function. Positions within each succeeding higher grade band are assumed to require knowledge of and the ability to perform the duties of lower graded positions within that function.

The use of the term Professional in this AOG does not imply the requirement for an academic credential, or a positive educational requirement.

The factor degree descriptions provided in this AOG represent levels of work typically found in I&TS, and correspond to the CIPMS Primary Grading Standard, Part 2, which covers nonsupervisory work.


Positions performing nonsupervisory Intelligence and Threat Support work should be evaluated on a factor-by-factor basis using the factor degree descriptions in this guide in conjunction with the CIPMS Primary Grading Standard (PGS), Part 2, for Nonsupervisory Work. If a selected factor in a position is not fully equivalent to the intent of the factor degree description, interpolated point values may be assigned. Refer to the CIPMS Guide for Classifying GS Positions, dated June 1990, for more complete instructions on evaluation of positions, interpolation of point values, and the CIPMS Primary Grading Standard.


After completing the point rating process, apply the CIPMS Grade Conversion Table for Nonsupervisory Professional-Administrative Work to arrive at the General Schedule grade. The Grade Conversion Table is found in the following references: Part I.B. of the AOG for Intelligence Specialist Series, GS-132; the CIPMS Primary Grading Standard, Part 2; and, in the CIPMS Guide for Classifying GS Positions.


Many I&TS positions include both nonsupervisory and supervisory duties. In these instances, evaluate the nonsupervisory work using this AOG, and evaluate the supervisory work using the factors and grade conversion table in the CIPMS Primary Grading Standard, Part 3. Base the final grade of these mixed jobs upon the duties which: represent the primary purpose for the position, take the majority of time, and represent the highest grade-level of work.


Intelligence and Threat Support Discipline

DEFINITION: Professional work involving the acquisition, receipt, evaluation and analysis, dissemination, and use of foreign intelligence and threat information having pertinence to research, combat and materiel developments, training and training developments, concepts, doctrine and doctrinal developments, test and evaluation, readiness and sustainment, or employment of U.S. military forces and equipment. Intelligence and Threat Support work includes the functional management of resources associated with intelligence and threat support to the above activities and the development of policies and procedures, training and oversight necessary to ensure adequate support. I&TS applies generally to those operations conducted in direct contact with the U.S. military activities and/or operations performing the above work. Major functions include intelligence requirements, research and support operations, staff management, and foreign materiel program activities. It must be recognized that these functions are not separate and isolated from one another, but constitute a blended spectrum of duties. Many I&TS positions will require the performance of two or more of these functions.

TITLE: Intelligence Specialist (Intelligence and Threat Support) is the authorized title for positions primarily concerned with performing nonsupervisory work covered by the Intelligence and Threat Support discipline. This title may be abbreviated using the parenthetical designator of Intelligence Specialist (I&TS).



This function involves the identification, submission, and monitoring of the intelligence and threat needs; of the parent or supported activity or evaluation of the intelligence community's response to valid requirements; and development and submission of follow-on corrective action(s). Generation of intelligence requirements mandates a thorough understanding of the consumer's mission, functions, plans, technologies and schedules. Management of requirements must be conducted in a systematic and regulated fashion in accordance with policies and procedures.


This function encompasses the provision of intelligence and threat data to parent or supported activity, other I&TS organizations, non-intelligence community consumers and appropriately cleared defense contractors. It involves advising such consumers based on interpretation of intelligence and threat data in terms of the supported customer; analyzing information and providing threat analysis to the customer; approving and validating the threat contents of a customer's products; e.g., materiel requirements documents; producing and validating replicate threat portrayed in other products such as scenarios, operational tests, and war games; developing and producing threat statements/ documents for proponency requirements of supported consumers; and the arrangement of mutual direct support between the customer and the intelligence community. Research and support operations also includes conducting research necessary to provide requisite intelligence and threat products, assessments, and/or analyses, studies, etc. and/or to identify gaps for requirements coverage. This function also may include participation in the development of threat simulators/ targets, advising on their suitability, and technical supervision of their operation in support of materiel testing and training activities. Work in this function also involves performing intra-and inter-agency coordination, and conducting training in both the intelligence and non-intelligence communities.


This function contains those activities necessary for the identification, direction, control, monitoring, evaluation and management support of FMP. It includes conducting resource management, test planning, delivery and handling of foreign materiel, and intra- and inter-agency coordination required for the conduct of training, staff functions and the creation and implementation of policy and guidance. Foreign Materiel requirements validation is conducted based on the consumer's mission, functions, plans and schedules, and by review of the Army Technology Base program.


This function consists of activities necessary for the direction, control, oversight, and management of intelligence and threat support at all organizational levels. It may include the conduct of appropriate resource management, contract management, intra-and inter-agency coordination required for the discharge of the mission, conduct of training, normal/routine functions associated with military staffs, and the creation and implementation of policy and guidance. Activities associated with personnel and fiscal management may also be part of the staff management function. This function rests upon a background of Intelligence and Threat Support knowledge and expertise. Many of the staff management duties are typically associated with the supervisory function; however, the staff management function is often a major component in a very small office where there is no internal superior. Thus, the I&TS specialist must perform these duties. In higher level and/or layered offices, staff management duties may be a significant part of a nonsupervisory & ITS position.

DISCAS CODES: Common Functional Codes associated with Intelligence and Threat Support include, but are not limited to:

  • Collections
  • Current Intelligence and Indications Dissemination Estimates
  • Intelligence Data Handling Systems
  • Low Intensity Conflict
  • Military Capabilities
  • Plans and Programs
  • Research and Development
  • Science and Technology
  • Target Intelligence
  • Transportation and Logistics
  • *Operational Threat, Testing/Training (*proposed)

Common Occupational Codes include, but are not limited to:

Accounting and Budget Specialties:

  • Budget Administration

    Administrative/Management Personnel Specialties:

  • Personnel Management/Administration
  • Planning/Program Management/Analysis

    Applied Technology Specialties:

  • Threat Analysis/Assessment
  • Trends and Forecasts
  • Unconventional Warfare

    Automatic Data Processing Specialties:

  • Computer Systems Administration
  • Data Base Management
  • IDHS Plans and Development
  • Management Information Systems
  • MIS Plans and Development

    Other Specialties - any or all may apply depending on the nature of the position.

  • Writing and Editing
  • Document Research
  • Budget Analysis
  • Intelligence Management (Consumer Requirements)
  • Intelligence Management (Dissemination)
  • Intelligence Management (Plans, Programs, Resources)
  • Intelligence Management (Research, Development, Test and Evaluation)
  • Operations Research
  • Briefing
  • Counternarcotics Analysis
  • Dissemination of Intelligence Information
  • Foreign Intelligence Officer Operations
  • Foreign Materiel Exploitation
  • Liaison
  • Wargaming
  • Weapon Systems Acquisition
  • Target Data Base Maintenance


    Evaluative characteristics are described for entry, full performance, expert and senior expert grade bands. These characteristics are common among intelligence requirements, research and support operations, foreign materiel program activities and staff management which are the functions included in intelligence and threat support.

    In addition to the evaluative characteristics, specific grade band duty illustrations are provided for each of the intelligence and threat support functions. The grade band descriptions represent typical duty assignments which may be found within each function of I&TS. They do not attempt to describe the knowledges, guidelines, scope of authority, work relationships or supervision received found in a complete position description. Therefore, the grade band descriptions are not appropriate as either the sole or major basis for determining a specific grade. They should be illustrative, however, in providing a general understanding for the level of work found within that grade band. It must also be remembered that positions evaluated by this AOG may include a mix of duties from among the grade bands and/or functions.


    ENTRY LEVEL: Includes grades GS-5 through GS-9.

    The entry level is intended as an intake/training vehicle.

  • Work with a senior I&TS analyst to develop various analysis skills, become familiar with data bases, learn procedures, techniques and organizational relationships, and develop proficiency in various intelligence and threat support subdisciplines.
  • Perform projects ranging from those of very limited scope and impact to those approaching average complexity as the incumbent's learning stage or "internship" reaches its conclusion.

    FULL PERFORMANCE LEVEL: Includes grades GS-10 through GS-13.

  • Perform a wide range of difficult and complex work assignments applicable to the function or functions of intelligence and threat support assigned.
  • Analyze and evaluate customer projects, identify and defend intelligence needs, and resource requirements.
  • Apply relevant laws, policies, regulations and methods with initiative and resourcefulness.
  • Perform analyses.
  • May provide technical leadership to lower graded specialists.
  • Establish and maintain appropriate contacts at a variety of levels both within and outside the activity.
  • Coordinate requirements within and between the intelligence community and the customer community.
  • Exercise independence in completing projects, studies and reports.
  • Decisions and commitments have a significant impact on important projects.
  • Represent command position in working groups and committees as a substantive authority in assigned subject-matter area.

    EXPERT LEVEL: Includes grades GS-14 and GS-15.

  • Perform as an authoritative subject matter expert with mastery in the functional area represented.
  • Institutionalize broad and innovative policies, practices and techniques which impact complex programs and projects.
  • Stay current with advanced and emerging technologies significant to customer programs.
  • Participate with senior policy makers to achieve technical program outcomes.
  • Decisions and recommendations set precedents, are controversial and change or halve a significant impact on major customer programs in force management, doctrine and acquisition.

    SENIOR EXPERT LEVEL: Includes grades above GS-15.

  • Engaged in planning, conducting and/or advising on pioneering intelligence policies and programs. Assignments are made in the broadest terms. The incumbent is given a complete delegation of authority. Guidelines available are of only limited assistance. Originality, creativity, and/or long-term experience are required. Impact of position is unique, materially affecting large and-complex projects/programs within the Army.
  • Recognized leader throughout the intelligence community as an authority in the intelligence and threat support discipline.


    ENTRY LEVEL: Includes grades GS-5 through GS-9. {The entry level for the Intelligence and Threat Support discipline is applicable to all the functions within this discipline.}

    Duties typically found in this grade band are:

  • Conduct research on limited focused projects in support of senior researchers.
  • Prepare portions of selected products.
  • Prepare complete support products of limited scale, scope and impact.
  • Provide previously approved intelligence and threat products.
  • Acquire knowledge of the policies, practices and procedures of the discipline.
  • Assist in maintaining and managing intelligence and threat data bases.
  • Provide initial review of incoming data.


    FULL PERFORMANCE LEVEL: Includes grades GS-10 through GS-13.

    A mix of duties typically found within this grade band is:

  • Analyze the relevant missions, functions, ongoing projects, operations plans, training, etc. of the customer. Determine in conjunction with selected customers and command managers those mission and functions, projects, and plans that require or would benefit from intelligence and threat support. (Not all projects require or would benefit from such support.) Study projects of the activity that need intelligence and threat support.
  • Research available information such as previous studies, fact sheets, and briefings to support the customer. Provide the customer with relevant data obtainable at the activity.
  • Identify the intelligence gaps of the customer. Identify and satisfy the intelligence and threat needs of the customer by identifying the customer's residual intelligence and threat needs that were not met by the provision of the readily available information. Determine methodology and procedures and initiate action both internally from currently held threat/intelligence products and externally from the intelligence community's known holdings to fill intelligence gaps by comparison of needs versus available data. Prioritize requirements according to customer time frames. Prepare Intelligence Production Requirements (IPRs) to solve the gaps.
  • Select appropriate means of submission of the intelligence requirement; e.g., Quick Reaction Requirement, Nonrecurring Intelligence Production Requirement, Intelligence Production Report. Document and submit the requirements to the appropriate agency of the intelligence community charged with the responsibility to fulfill the requirement. Monitor and track status of requirements to ensure receipt by appropriate intelligence community agency and to stimulate responses. Maintain close coordination with the intelligence production and customer communities. Respond to customer requirements in a tailored format usable by the customer as information becomes available.
  • Evaluate, by comparative analyses in coordination with the customer-consumer, the degree to which the response satisfied the customer's needs. Initiate appropriate follow-up/amplification with the intelligence production community i n the event gaps remain or new issues are raised or new gaps are identified.
  • Review and validate, respond to and/or coordinate, forward, and/or staff with intelligence collection agencies the requirements submitted by lower echelons, as appropriate.
  • Represent, develop, present and defend, if necessary, the command/activity position to higher headquarters, and to intelligence, operations, development, training, and testing commands.

    EXPERT LEVEL: Includes grades GS-14 and GS-15.

    A mix of duties typically found within this grade band is:

  • Institute new and improved requirements management practices and techniques based on an expert knowledge of the intelligence requirements process and non-intelligence programs applicable to activity/command customers which assure the acquisition, evaluation, dissemination and integration of the foreign operational threat, and technological intelligence into the research and development, combat and materiel acquisition cycles.
  • Based on broad and detailed knowledge of foreign threat and intelligence, develop and conduct training in advanced, very complex and unique topics/techniques regarding requirements management.
  • Monitor production of threat products such as System Threat Analysis Reports (STAR) and Mission Area Threat (MAT)-type reports having significant impact on major customer programs to ensure the level and type of intelligence and threat support needed on complex systems initiatives and concepts are continuously maintained.


    FULL PERFORMANCE LEVEL: Includes grades GS-10 through GS-13.

    A mix of duties typically found within this grade band is:

  • Analyze the relevant missions, functions, ongoing projects, operations plans, training, and similar activities of the customer. Determine which customer operations need intelligence.
  • Identify type of intelligence/threat data required to support customer activities. Determine available intelligence/threat information from internal and external sources. Conduct research of available data and extract data relevant to the customer's needs. Integrate new/recently received data into relevant data provided to customers.
  • Evaluate the relevant available data or potential impact on consumer activities.
  • Produce intelligence and threat documentation of relevant available data tailored in a manner required by customer and/or by regulation. Typical products include major input to Systems Threat Assessment Reports (STAR), Cost and Operational Effectiveness Analyses Threat Statements, Materiel Requirements Threat Statements, specialized topical intelligence reports, and threat input to various studies and customer reports.
  • Develop the threat portion of scenarios. Assist in the development of threat tactical decision rules for use in the various models and simulations used in combat development and training, and review model results to verify accuracy of threat portrayal. Prepare or review/approve threat scenarios and review/approve their portrayal in testing. Develop projections of threat organizations and threat systems employment for use in scenarios, models, and testing.
  • Provide advice regarding the operational and technical capabilities of threat simulators and targets during their development and validation, and advise on their suitability to represent actual threat systems in materiel testing and training activities.
  • Lead ad hoc test support element that operates threat systems in conformance with threat force doctrine and tactics.
  • Provide the information to the customer by any and all suitable means and media including, but not limited to, briefings, formal and informal reports, ADP, and audiovisual means. Advise and assist the customer in interpretation of the meaning and potential impact of the intelligence and threat data on the customer activities, plans, testing and other activities. Develop, manage, and maintain intelligence and threat data base(s).
  • Review, critique, and provide advice and guidance on the plans, programs, concepts, systems, testing, arid similar activities of the supported command, agency or office/activity. Develop and maintain in-depth knowledge of non-intelligence programs such as the Concept Based Requirements System, training and training developments, test and evaluation, and scenario development, as examples.
  • Arrange, lead and/or participate in the provision of intelligence community direct support; e.g., technical expertise, and interaction with the supported customers. Represent, develop, present, and defend if necessary the command/activity position to higher headquarters, and to intelligence, operations, development, training, and testing commands.
  • Arrange for the provision of services, information and support from the supported command/agency to elements of both the intelligence and non-intelligence communities on intelligence/threat related matters. Establish and maintain close contacts throughout the applicable intelligence community components.

    EXPERT LEVEL: Includes grades GS-14 and GS-15.

    A mix of duties typically found within this grade band is:

  • Provide authoritative functional area expertise in the development of I&TS plans, policies, and methodologies for major customer's programs and systems, and provide intelligence and threat products such as briefings, reports, modeling or simulations on complex I&TS issues, with analysis and background.
  • Develop technically authoritative, complex, new and improved research procedures significantly impacting major customer programs, objectives, and resources where lack of precedents, novel or contradictory information exists.
  • Develop and conduct training in advanced, very complex and unique topics/techniques regarding research and support operations, in the use of intelligence and threat, or in the operation of threat simulators.
  • Arrange/provide authoritative intelligence and threat support for either complex projects or a group of projects, such as comprehensive intelligence and threat products (STAR, Threat Proponency Studies, and Mission Area Threat) for the activity having a significant impact on supported programs, or on the intelligence community.


    FULL PERFORMANCE LEVEL: Includes grades GS-10 through GS-13.

    A mix of duties typically found within this grade band is:

  • Plan and coordinate the activity's Foreign Materiel Program. Identify the relevant missions, functions, ongoing projects, operation plans, and training programs of the customer which would benefit from exploitation of foreign material. Develop and conduct training in foreign materiel program management.
  • Forecast needs for foreign materiel and equipment. Incorporate customer exploitation requirements into appropriate exploitation plans. Review, validate and process requirements for foreign materiel.
  • Establish prioritization procedures. Coordinate, evalidate, and task foreign materiel acquisition requirements. Notify customers of foreign materiel availability. Publish or arrange the prompt publication of exploitation results.
  • Prepare functional foreign materiel program budgetary requirements. Monitor status of acquisitions and exploitations, monitor and analyze financial status of ongoing programs.

    EXPERT LEVEL: Includes grades GS-14 and GS-15.

    A mix of duties typically found within this grade band is:

  • Plan, design and execute command/MACOM/Army/departmental foreign materiel program policy/procedures.

    Develop Congressional budget formulation, justification and execution for the MACOM/Army foreign materiel program. Continuously monitor foreign materiel program expenditures and ensure compliance with existing national and international financial laws and regulations.

    Represent command at Army/DOD and inter-departmental, national and international meetings with full authority to negotiate for and defend foreign materiel program requirements. Decisions and commitments involve large expenditures of resources and have a strong impact on the MACOM/Army foreign material exploitation program. Chair high-level decision making prioritization panels.

  • Develop or significantly change MACOM/Army FMP requirements management policies and procedures. Authoritative decisions deviate from set regulations, and establish new precedents.


    FULL PERFORMANCE LEVEL: Includes grades GS-10 through GS-13.

    A mix of duties typically found within this grade band is:

  • Develop and submit required budget input for operations and functions for which responsible, and negotiate.additional funding where necessary.

    Develop resource estimates for functional, program or system areas assigned based on workload projections, estimates, and experience. Comment on proposed budget and manpower provisioning levels.

  • Assess organizational training deficiencies in the policies, procedures and requirements which provide for intelligence and threat support throughout the materiel acquisition and force management programs and processes. Develop and present corrective strategy and training.
  • Develop requirements for materiel, equipment and facilities for the conduct of I&TS operations. Review and comment on proposed materiel, equipment and facilities support levels.
  • Develop new policies and procedures that cause the identification and requirement coverage of consumer needs; and the systematic processing of intelligence requirements.
  • Conduct studies of doctrine and/or proposal s and formulate recommended policies, concepts and plans affecting command activities and their interrelation with those of US and foreign intelligence organizations.
  • Coordinate intra-and inter-agency special studies, and development of activity positions on various actions impacting on the activity. Advise appropriate management officials on actions, issues, problems, and events having significant consequence on major customer programs.

    EXPERT LEVEL: Includes grades GS-14 and GS-15.

    A mix of duties typically found within this grade band is:

  • Develop, present, and defend budget submissions for major programs and systems for which responsible. Develop budgetary policies for Intelligence and Threat Support operations within broad areas of responsibility which involve expenditures of money and other resources.
  • Develop, interpret, and negotiate on broad Army and DOD policies and procedures of requirements management and research operations which impact on the methods of intelligence and threat support. Decisions are authoritative and have a significant impact on the effectiveness and efficiency of major customer's force management, doctrine and acquisition programs.
  • Provide technically authoritative subject matter advice and counsel to higher authorities on Intelligence and Threat Support-related issues having command-wide, MACOM, ARMY or DOD impact on major customer programs, or of a precedent setting nature.
  • Conduct activity, MACOM and Army intelligence and threat short, mid-, and long-range planning and programming, e.g., mobilization and readiness planning, General Defense Intelligence Program (GDIP), etc.
  • Develop priorities for allocation of funds and manpower projections. Monitor subordinate activities' development of budgetary and manpower projections, expenditure of funds, and allocation of resources.

    SENIOR EXPERT LEVEL: Includes grades GS-16 through GS-18.

    The Senior Expert Level consolidates all functions within the Intelligence and Threat Support discipline.

    Typical duties found within this grade band are:

  • Develop or cause development of advanced, novel and broadly complex experimental theories, hypotheses, methodologies, analyses and studies applicable to the Intelligence and Threat Support discipline that significantly impact long range DOD and Army-wide major acquisition programs.
  • Conduct or cause the conduct of substantive pioneering Intelligence and Threat Support studies of unprecedented nature whose findings, if incorporated, would significantly change Army or DOD major acquisition programs, plans, policies, force development and doctrine.
  • Provide technically authoritative Intelligence and Threat Support related recommendations and counsel to MACOM, Army and DOD level leaders that would affect the entire Army or DOD major system acquisition process.
  • Serve as the senior Intelligence and Threat Support leading authority within the department providing advice and counsel to senior leadership at Army, DOD or joint organizational decision meetings or groups that would significantly impact large resources and affect major programs, activities and/or plans.


    Intelligence and Threat Support Discipline

    FACTOR A - ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGES: This factor measures the nature and extent of information or facts that employees must understand to do acceptable work (e.g., steps, procedures, practices, rules, policies, theories, principles, and concepts) and the nature and extent of the skills needed to apply these knowledges.

    (Note: Each succeeding level requires maintenance of knowledges of preceding degree levels.)

    DEGREE A-5--40 points

    Knowledge of standard, basic principles, policy, procedures and methodologies of military-related research techniques, sources, contacts, and administrative procedures. Work requires the construction of sound documentary material from own and others research efforts.

    Assignment characteristics at this level may be: An intelligence/threat analyst at the installation, laboratory, or school, supporting more senior analysts with basic research and data. Basic knowledge is gained of intelligence and threat support principles, concepts, methodologies, capabilities, order of battle, doctrine, tactics, culture, history, and similar areas, of potential enemy countries.

    DEGREE A-6--60 points

    Assignments normally are focused on the acquisition over time of:

  • Knowledge of practices and procedures of the intelligence community.
  • Knowledge of Army staff principles and practices concerning inter/intra office coordination and data gathering.
  • General knowledge of own activity's mission and functions, as well as staff functions and practices.
  • Basic understanding of the principles and procedures of research and modeling used by the Army evaluation community.
  • Knowledge of projects, programs underway at own activity.
  • Sound general knowledge of those foreign topics of concern to own activity.

    Assignment characteristics at this level may be: An intelligence/threat analyst assigned to a laboratory or school carrying out recurring assignments independently. The analyst conducts research and contributes to the development of production of intelligence and threat products. The incumbent may also be involved with the intelligence and threat administration support necessary for the normal conduct of daily business, such as preparation of portions of budget and travel forecasts, establishing conference agendas, and the like.

    DEGREE A-7--80 points

    Assignments typically require the following:

  • Detailed knowledge of Army intelligence community, including practices, policies, and procedures.
  • Knowledge of own activity's relationship and interaction within Army.
  • Comprehensive knowledge of own activity's mission and function, projects, staff, etc.
  • Knowledge of foreign data of concern to activity, such as intelligence and threat functional areas (artillery, armor, etc.) or geographic areas sufficient to recognize potential impact of the foreign data and/or any changes in the data.
  • Understanding of relationships and interactions between projects and programs of own activity and foreign data.
  • Ability to apply foreign data to activity's products, projects and programs.
  • Understanding of activity's resource management procedures, e.g., TDA, budget cycle, etc.
  • Knowledge of chartered production responsibilities and scheduled output of Army and appropriate DOD intelligence production agencies and centers, to include understanding of various Army/DOD production tasking and scheduling documents and systems.
  • Comprehensive knowledge of supported field (e.g., materiel acquisition process, military training, military operations, doctrine and tactics, combat/materiel development, training, training requirements, test and evaluation, scenario development.)

    Assignment characteristics at this level may be: An intelligence/threat analyst assigned to a laboratory, commodity command, subordinate command, or school with skill and knowledge that is applied to difficult and complex work assignments. The incumbent personally has sufficient threat knowledge, or data readily available for activity use, or has the knowledge of how and where to obtain the information. The incumbent produces threat sections or components of training, studies, assessments, analyses, requirements documents, or equivalent products. These products often result in the presentation of data in new, unprecedented, innovative and persuasive ways.

    DEGREE A-8--95 points

    Assignments normally require:

  • Mastery of Army and applicable Defense intelligence and threat support procedures and policies.


  • Expert knowledge of one or more major supported non-intelligence fields, such as training, military operations, materiel acquisition, or combat developments in order to conduct tailored intelligence and threat support.


  • Comprehensive knowledge of the resource management system to obtain mission essential resources, e.g., budget submissions, Schedule X, relationship with Program Objective Memorandum (POM), Managing Civilians to Budget (MCB) (as implemented).


  • Organizational needs may dictate establishment of positions which require mastery of broad and complex foreign subject(s), such as Soviet theater level operations or Japanese National Defense Forces, to produce significant threat products, not treatable by acceptable methods, that will persuade and convince Departmental level intelligence experts and decision makers of the critical need for the integration of the approved or proposed threat support into the system development process.

    Assignment characteristics at this level may be: An activity/command subject matter expert representing Headquarters Army or the MACOM level in a specific intelligence/threat-related area, e.g., armor/antiarmor, geographic orientation, or administrative support areas such as budgeting and manpower, ADP systems supporting intelligence and/or threat programs, career management, etc. Incumbent has sufficient knowledge of either an intelligence/threat or administrative area which allows initiation or development of complex products, policies, and procedures to support user needs not previously susceptible to treatment by accepted methods, or the application of new developments significantly changing, interpreting or developing important policies and programs. Administrative support decisions impact cost benefit analyses, long range planning and milestone completion, modification of resources to reflect changes in technology, deadlines and program direction.

    DEGREE A-9--115 points

    Mastery of the practices, programs, policies of Army intelligence and threat support.


    Mastery of the intelligence and threat support field such that new theories which improve methodology are hypothesized and expressed. For example, detection and determination of the systemic cause of failure within areas of expertise and development of corrective actions. Work requires a mastery of intelligence and threat functional areas of intelligence requirements, research and support operations, foreign material program activities, and staff management in order to evaluate and/or produce very broad, significant and complex intelligence and threat products.

    Assignment characteristics at this level may be: An intelligence/threat expert assigned to a MACOM, or higher level with mastery of intelligence/threat subject matter areas to generate and develop new hypotheses and theories which will affect major systems in order to evaluate and/or produce related products. Employee is considered a leading authority in the intelligence and threat support field within Army, the Defense establishment and the intelligence community.


    This factor measures the nature of the guidelines used (e. g., regulations, procedures, precedents, methods, techniques and other guidelines that govern the work) and the degree of interpretation required of these references, including the elements of judgment and originality.

    DEGREE B-2--25 points

    Employee selects from numerous available Army regulations, guidelines, and office procedures, and uses judgment in applying the most appropriate references and office procedures to conduct research of limited scope. Adaptability and versatility are required for the employee to adapt the procedures within the bounds of specific but changing work assignments.

    DEGREE B-3--50 points

  • Local office standard operating procedures exist governing general conduct of work. Guidelines providing general structural format and content such as in AR 381-11, Threat Support to US Army Force, Combat, and Materiel Development and AR 381-19, Intelligence Support exist for preparation of material; however, employee must use judgment in interpreting and adapting such guidelines to specific cases or projects.
  • Employee must prepare material--usually documentation--to meet specific requirements of the customer in response to both the general guidelines and general project (customer's) originated questions/problems.
  • Employee works within general guidelines to meet specific needs of the customer, analyzes results and recommends changes.

    DEGREE B-4--70 points

  • Army and MACOM-level intelligence and threat support regulations exist but only in general-terms. For example, AR-381-11 and AR-381-19. Employee must use initiative and resourcefulness in developing methods and policies to apply to the situation(s).
  • Activity non-intelligence regulations, policies, etc. (e.g., materiel requirements processing procedures) exist. Employee uses these as a general guide to initiate intelligence and threat support action(s) and to develop proposed new policies and procedures for the activity.

    DEGREE B-5--95 points

    Army and Defense policies and directives exist that broadly guide the conduct of major departmental activities, such as materiel acquisition, but specific applicability to activity/MACOM intelligence and threat support practices do not exist. Employee must use judgment and ingenuity in developing applications to specific activity missions and functions. Frequently the employee is recognized as an authority in the development and interpretation of guidance.

    DEGREE B-6--115 points

    General concepts and principles of operations exist; however, they are of so general a nature that translating them into practical and executable complex programs and/or procedures requires originality, creativity, and/or long-term experience in order to formulate new and novel concepts and the development of new pioneering methodologies that extend the bounds of the discipline.


    This factor covers the relationship between (1) the nature of the work (e.g., purpose, breadth, and depth of assignments) and (2) the effect of the work products or services both within and outside the organizational element. Effect also measures such things as whether the work output facilitates the work of others, provides timely service of a personal nature, or impacts on the adequacy of research conclusions.

    DEGREE C-1--15 points

    Work consists of research and/or document preparation of a specific and limited nature relating to a well-defined topic or issue. Work primarily facilitates work of more senior office personnel. Its quality directly impacts the adequacy and timeliness of the office output and or conclusions.

    DEGREE C-2--30 points

    Employee makes decisions on the application of established activity procedures /rules to initiate actions that are within the scope of a large project or effort of which employee is a part. Output of work is normally intended for incorporation into larger projects, or -- after review -- independent dissemination to outside organizational elements; e.g., a subelement of a combat development directorate or project office.

    DEGREE C-3--50 points

  • Actions are initiated based on employee interpretation of Army/MACOM level regulations and/or specific guidance. Employee is required to monitor ongoing activity projects in order to ensure timely initiation of appropriate intelligence and threat support actions that normally require multi-person or organizational participation or responses.
  • Work primarily consists of preparation of documentary material, such as Systems Threat Assessment Reports (STARs) or portions thereof, that either is provided to non-intelligence customers, such as project managers, to influence their conduct, or that is submitted up the intelligence and threat support channels to cause intelligence community response, such as Intelligence Production Requirements (IPRs), Source Directed Requirements (SDRs), etc. Work also can include advising the customers regarding the application of I&TS to the project or activity. Errors could prove costly in terms of delay and waste of time and resources in the initiation of intelligence and threat support, or through inappropriate application to the supported project or activity.

    DEGREE C-4--70 points

  • Work involves deciding course(s) of action to be taken by the activity in response to the employee's interpretation of non-intelligence regulations and policies which may be related to intelligence and threat support (e.g., materiel acquisition policies) which call for consideration of intelligence in materiel acquisition, but which must then be implemented, both specifically (project or program) and generally (activity procedures). Other non-intelligence areas may include concepts and doctrine development, training and training development, etc. Work includes preparation of intelligence and threat products to support courses of action, and can include provision of advice to the customer regarding its application. A significant degree of independent action is frequently required in making authoritative determinations of the courses of action to be taken by the activity.
  • Effects of employee's action frequently cause commitment and/or expenditure of a relatively large portion of the available resources and often have strong impact on important materiel, research, training or doctrinal programs/studies or operational plans.

    DEGREE C-5--90 points

  • Work involves preparation of or causing the preparation of intelligence and threat support material that supports major command or Army programs and actual integration of this information into usable products, and can include advising the customer regarding its appropriate applications. Orchestration of the input from multiple activities frequently characterize the scope of authority at this degree.
  • Employee initiates action(s) in order to bring adequate intelligence and threat resources to bear so that the course of large and complex programs and requisite modifications may be accomplished in the normal projected "life cycle" and not as a result of incidental or happenstance injection of intelligence and threat.

    DEGREE C-6-110 points

  • Work involves the synthesis of broad trends, policies and/or programs and the integration of this information into new or significantly improved MACOM or Department-wide or joint intelligence community intelligence and threat products, regulations or policies which will significantly impact the achievement of Department/MACOM intelligence community overall mission.
  • Effect of work is to establish regulations, programs, policies that guide, impact, or commit the operation of multiple activities (organizations) within the Department/MACOM and/or intelligence community.


    This factor includes contacts with persons not in the supervisory chain, and is based on what is required to make the initial contact, the difficulty of communicating with those contacted, and the degree to which the employee and those contacted recognize their relative role and authorities. Purpose of the contacts ranges from factual exchanges of information to situations involving significant or controversial issues and differing viewpoints, goals, or objectives.

    DEGREE D-2--15 points

    Person-to-person work relationships are a regular and necessary part of the job to give or receive factual information that is easy to convey and simple to understand. Contact is normally initiated or caused by other than the employee, and is the result of the nature of the circumstance affecting the transaction rather than by independent initiative. Employee is normally reacting to requests or requirements rather than initiating them.

    DEGREE D-3--35 points

  • Relationships are established and maintained for relatively long duration and are normally of a regular and recurring nature, covering one or more projects and typically involve both intelligence and non-intelligence action officers for the purpose of providing continuing intelligence and threat support including the explanation and interpretation of facts, beyond the answering of specific questions.
  • Assignments require maintenance of high credibility in order to render appropriate service and maintain relationships that permit effective coordination.

    DEGREE D-4--55 points

  • Relationships are normally initiated and maintained in response to detection of a new opportunity/requirement to furnish intelligence and threat support or to obtain improved intelligence support.
  • Relationships often involve initial contact with intelligence consumers which require explanation of overall intelligence and threat support process as well as discussions of implications and inferences of such support to the project. Within the intelligence community, relationships are established and maintained to ensure awareness by intelligence officers of implications of their product on the supported projects or to gain concurrence.

    DEGREE D-5--75 points

  • Relationships normally are focused less on intelligence and threat support actions and more on discussion of policies and methodologies affecting major programs that will lead to an environment that gains necessary cooperation and support or persuades appropriate actions.
  • However, the functional area subject expert focuses on the close, continuing and interactive relationship with other intelligence community subject matter experts to exchange and analyze intelligence and threat information and its impact on activity major programs. One of the purposes of this interaction is to provide authoritative advice, gain necessary cooperation and support or to persuade others to take appropriate action.
  • The relationships are normally with activity or project senior level (Deputy Project Managers, Deputy Chief of Staff for Combat Developments at Centers and Schools), program managers, TRADOC Systems Managers, and Project Executive Officers, management officials who have both technical (substantive) and managerial/programmatic concerns. Intelligence community relationships are established and maintained for the purpose of gaining nonroutine policy "support and to enhance potential for causing changes in intelligence and threat support emphasis.

    DEGREE D-6--95 points

  • Contacts are with senior level (General Officers, Commanders, senior experts and senior scientists, and others of equal influence) managers at Departmental level and in the intelligence community, for the purpose of developing command/department-wide policies and/or programs whose scope and scale are such as to require the approval and support of command/department level decision authorities. These contacts involve gaining indispensable support of, or defending the most controversial phases of the major departmental programs or policies.
  • Relationships routinely extend beyond activity bounds and may involve external (non-government) concerns, international contacts (or equivalent), and/or contacts with the IC (outside DOD) or joint organizations.


    This factor covers the nature and extent of direct or indirect controls exercised by the supervisor, the employee's responsibility, and the methodology for reviewing completed work.

    DEGREE E-2--20 points

    The supervisor maintains control over work through checking for accuracy, adequacy, and adherence to instructions. Instructions given to the employee are well defined, but the employee may recommend modifications to these instructions if the assignment is new, difficult, or unusual. The employee carries out routine assignments but unforeseen problems and unusual situations may be referred to the supervisor for help or decisions. Completed work is normally submitted to the supervisor prior to dispatch beyond the office.

    DEGREE E-3--35 points

  • Assigned tasks have/carry known objectives, priorities and deadlines determined by the supervisor, rather than by independent analysis, on the employee's part. Within the overall task, the employee determines successive steps and handles problems or deviations based on existing procedures, handbooks, accepted practices, and previous training. Supervisor assists the employee with unusual situations that do not have clear precedents.
  • Work in progress is ordinarily not reviewed. Prior to dispatch or office commitment, the finished work is reviewed for accuracy, quality, and compliance with more complex guidelines.

    DEGREE E-4--55 points

  • Supervisor issues overall objectives and delineates available resources. Employee normally recommends--in consultation with the supervisor--deadlines, intermediate objectives, specific steps and assignments based on knowledge of the requirements and schedule of the supported project/organization.
  • Individual independently plans and carries out assignments subject only to initial tasker concept or extraordinary events. Supervisor is kept informed of progress and any controversial matters. Multiple actions are planned and executed by employee, who resolves conflicts and interprets policies in terms of established objectives, without detailed review by supervisor once overall tasked concept has been approved.
  • Finished work and methods are reviewed for technical accuracy and compliance with complex instructions and guidelines.

    DEGREE E-5--75 points

  • Supervisor provides broad assignments in terms of activity mission and functions which provide the principle guidance in establishing objectives, taskers, schedules and priorities.
  • Supervisor normally provides only administrative direction and broad general goals/objectives on an activity-wide basis, and is kept informed of significant developments. Employee is responsible for working independently in planning, designing, and carrying out programs, projects, studies, etc.
  • Completed work is reviewed in terms of its feasibility, compatibility, and effectiveness in enhancing the accomplishment of the activity's mission and function.

    DEGREE E-6--95 points

  • Supervision is limited to broad general statements of desired long term outcome normally not specifically directed to employee but applicable activity-wide. Employee is normally the intelligence and threat support technical authority of the activity, and completed work normally is accepted without significant change.
  • Intelligence and threat support goals, objectives and methods of the activity are selected by the employee subject only to activity-wide missions, functions, resource constraints and regulations and priorities. Within those constraints delegation is complete and approval assumed, subject only to review by activity senior management in terms of meeting long term objectives. Resource impact is determined by the employee, and appropriate action initiated to obtain requisite resources to accomplish the objective.

    Necessary coordination with other activity elements is effected to ensure compatibility of multi-element goals, programs, etc.

    DEGREE E-7--115 points

  • The employee is often the most authoritative professional in the intelligence and threat support discipline within Department of the Army or joint organization. The work is generally considered to be pioneering new concepts in intelligence and threat support which broadly impact on the materiel acquisition, training, testing, and/or doctrine communities.
  • Supervision is virtually nonexistent.
  • Results of work are influenced only by available resources and/or major program goals and departmental priorities.

    Report on Implementation