MAY 1990


    Part I    |    Part II



Part I

Occupational Group Overview

   Section A   |   Section B   

Part I - Section A

The following information contains Series Definitions, Official Titles and Career Paths in the GS-1701/1712 Intelligence Education and Training series which are common to education and training positions within the Civilian Intelligence Personnel Management System (CIPMS).

1.GS-1701 Intelligence Education Series

a. Definition: This series includes positions, the duties of which are to perform, administer, supervise, and advise on the development, conduct, or evaluation of intelligence training and training products, as well as of staff and faculty development activities when the paramount requirement of the work for these positions is a prerequisite knowledge of learning and evaluation theories and the principles, methods, practices and techniques that is gained from prescribed coursework and study in the field of education at a college or university. This knowledge is combined with either a basic or general knowledge of intelligence which may have been gained through prior experience or acquired through training and experience after appointment (see paragraph B-2).

b. Official titles: The official title for all GS-1701 nonsupervisory positions is Education Specialist. Supervisory or managerial positions are titled Supervisory Education Specialist. Official, additional parenthetical titling is discussed in Part II.

c. Career Path: Positions in this series progress in the grade bands described as the Professional/ Administrative Career Path in the CIPMS Classification Procedures Guide for General Schedule Positions.

(Change Page per DAMI-CP (690-13) memo dated 24 April, 91, subject: implementating the AOGs for the Intelligence Specialist Series, GS-132, and for S&T Positions in Intelligence Production. )

2. GS-1712 Intelligence Training Series

a. Definition:

(1) This series includes both specialist and instructor positions, the duties of which are to perform, administer, supervise and advise on the development, conduct, or evaluation of intelligence training and training products when the paramount requirement of the work for these positions is a combination of practical knowledge of the methods and techniques of training and a practical knowledge of subject matter directly related to the intelligence mission. These knowledges may have been gained through prior experience or from various education and/or training programs. These positions differ from those covered by the GS-1701 series in that they do not have a requirement for a theoretical knowledge of learning or the training process.

(2) Specialist positions within this series are primarily involved in the development or evaluation of training programs and products.

(3) Instructor positions within this series are primarily involved in the direct delivery of intelligence instruction. In addition, full performance and expert level instructor positions have duties in the area of technical/ training consultation as it pertains to the subject matter specialties.

b. Official Titles:

(1) The official title for nonsupervisory positions described in paragraph 2a(2) is Training Specialist. Positions which meet the definition of supervisory/manager are titled Supervisory Training Specialist.

(2) The official title for nonsupervisory positions described in paragraph 2a(3) is Training Instructor. Supervisory or managerial positions are titled Supervisory Training Instructor.

(3) Official, additional parenthetical titling is discussed in Part II.

c. Career Path: Positions in this series progress in the grade bands described as the Professional/ Administrative Career Path in the CIPMS Classification Procedures Guide for General Schedule Positions.

Part I - Section B

The following information supplements the above discussion to aid in the placement and classification of Army positions.

1. Coverage:

a. Included in the GS-1701/1712 Intelligence Education Group are all positions in which intelligence education and training constitute the majority of the position's duties and/or work time, and where the primary function or mission of the organization in which the position is located is tied to the intelligence education field. This is normally true regardless of specific subject matter area knowledges required (Other than education or training) with the exception noted below. For example, education and training positions requiring specific areas of intelligence knowledge, such as in the GS-132 series or intelligence-related areas such as electronics technician work (GS-856 series), would be placed in the GS--1701/1712 series.

b. Positions which do not meet the definitions in A1 and A2 above, but meet the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) definitions for education and training series normally in the professional/administrative career path such as the GS-1701 or GS-1712 and other similar series, and which are covered by CIPMS under organizational or discretionary coverage will be classified by the criteria in this AOG. The GS-1701 or GS-1712 series will be used following the general principles discussed in Part I.A. above. Official position titles will be determined using the flexibilities described in Part II for parenthetical titling. Grade levels will be determined through appropriate application of Part II as cross-referenced where necessary with the Primary Grading Standard, Part 2.

2. Exclusions:

a. Positions requiring as the primary qualification requirement full academic or other formal qualifications of sciences or engineering. Such positions will be classified to the appropriate series such as GS-855 Electronics Engineer, GS-1310 Physicist, etc.

b. Positions which involve performance of technician work in support of professional-administrative programs. Such work requires application of a practical knowledge of procedures, techniques, rules and methods of the work supported. These positions typically perform one-grade interval work and are classified in the specialized series that best fits the type of work supported such as, for example, the GS-1702 Education and Training Technician Series. Grade level criteria are provided by reference to the AOG for Technician Occupations.

c. Positions which involve performance of clerical work directly in support of an office or program. Such work requires knowledge of office clerical procedures and requirements to process transactions, maintain records, and compile information auxiliary to the office. These positions perform one-grade interval work and are typically classified in the Secretary (GS-318), Clerk-Typist (GS-322), or other similar series that best provides a recruitment source. The work is evaluated by reference to the OPM position classification standard for the series.

d. Positions which serve as student trainees at the pre-professional level are classified to the appropriate GS-xx99 series, such as the GS-1799 Education Student Trainee Series.

2.Occupational Background Information:

a. Positions in this group have in common the requirement for a combination of education or training knowledge and a knowledge of an intelligence or intelligence-related area. The degree to which either of these knowledges are required varies widely by position and may range from a minimal knowledge of training and education, coupled with a considerable subject matter knowledge (more typical of the GS-1712), to a minimal knowledge of subject matter and a considerable knowledge of education and training (required of the GS-1701). Because it is often difficult to find enough applicants with a substantial knowledge of both, it is usually necessary to recruit for only one of the two requirements and then train the individual in the areas in which they lack training or experience.

b. Education and training of intelligence personnel within the Army is the function of the Education Specialist, Training Specialist, and Training Instructor positions covered under this AOG. These positions may exist in Army level organizations (e.g. Headquarters, Department of Army, Deputy Chief of Staff (DCS, G-2)), MACOM level organizations (e.g., Intelligence and Security Command, Training and Doctrine Command), U.S. Army Service Schools (e.g., U.S. Army Intelligence Center and School), training detachments (e.g., U.S. Army Intelligence School Detachment, Naval Technical Training Center, Corry Station, Pensacola, FL), and at other training organizations. These training organizations conduct a variety of training programs to meet specific military intelligence needs.

c. The nature of the programs, the types of students, and subjects taught are immensely diverse. Training programs could include Advanced Individual Training (AIT), Staff and Faculty Development, Functional, and Career Development courses. AIT is the initial skill-specific training, roughly comparable to apprenticeship training, that focuses on essential entry-level skills necessary for the individual to perform tasks with minimum supervision. Staff and Faculty Development is the conduct of training in instructional techniques and in course development procedures. Functional courses train individuals in skills that are unique to a specific location or type of equipment. Career development training programs are designed to train an individual on skills that are necessary adjuncts to the technical tasks associated with career fields. These skills may be management, leadership related, or technical. Students for the above listed courses/programs include new service members Noncommissioned Officers,. Commissioned Officers, and/or civilian employees. Students graduating from Intelligence training courses are assigned to various tactical, operational and strategic: units worldwide.

d. The basis for the development and conduct of Intelligence training is the Systems Approach to Training (SAT). The systems process has five basic phases. Each of the phases accomplishes a separate and distinct function which could be carried out successively by an individual or group, or each of the steps could be assigned to separate individuals or teams. The five phases of the SAT are as follows:

(1) Phase I - Analysis. The analysis phase is based on a systematic process of collecting, examining, and synthesizing data concerning collective and individual performance requirements. The process begins with a needs analysis, involving the analysis of unit missions and Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) and specific duty assignments. The process ends with the production of a list of critical tasks and performance measures and either a recommended training site or job performance aid. Education Specialists and Training Specialists working in this phase are generally assigned to training development elements to collect, examine or synthesize data. In addition, they could be dedicated to review and update of all task lists that drive resident and nonresident training for the intelligence specialties.

(2) Phase II - Design. The design phase deals specifically with the design aspects of training within selected settings. Design here is considered in the architectural sense in which the form and specifications for training are laid down in careful detail. During the design phase, student entry behaviors are defined, the learning processes are sequenced, tests are developed, and the training structure and sequences are delineated. The resulting course blueprints form the basis of all future course development actions. Designs are developed by Training Instructors, Education and/or Training Specialists. Training Instructors and Education and/or Training Specialists may be located in either a training development or instructional element.

(3) Phase III - Development. Development refers to the actual preparation of instruction. During this phase, actions are taken to obtain the necessary instructor and support materials needed to implement the training strategies' outlined in the course designs. In addition, all resources required to conduct resident training are identified for funding support. Training Instructors from the academic elements are the primary developers of the needed training materials such as programs of instruction and lesson plans. Education Specialists and Training Specialists may assist the Training Instructors in this phase.

(4) Phase IV - Implementation. The output of the implementation phase is cost-effective training for both collective and individual tasks. Soldiers trained using either resident or exportable materials must be sufficiently qualified to meet the requirements of the Army's worldwide intelligence mission. Academic training is conducted by Training Instructors of the academic element, and developmental training generally conducted by Education Specialists of the Staff and Faculty Development element.

(5) Phase V - Evaluation. The evaluation phase of the systems process is concerned with maintaining instructional standards and providing data upon which revision decisions can be based. Data collection, evaluation of the data, and decision-making about the implications of the data represent the three principal functions in this phase. Emphasis is placed on the importance of determining whether the trainees are learning what was intended, and upon determining whether what they have learned is of the expected benefit to the receiving command. This determination is made after a careful analysis of evaluation data collected from both internal and external sources. Education Specialists and Training Specialists perform the evaluation and analysis functions of the Activity's evaluation program.

e. Grade Band Bar Illustrations. Typical career ladders for positions in this group with Army are shown below:

GRADES 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
SPECIALIST Entry Full Performance Expert Senior Expert
INSTRUCTOR Entry Full Performance Expert  

(Depicted grade bands for these career paths are not meant to preclude the "dual track" concept. Supervisory and managerial jobs may also be found in grade bands Full Performance, Expert and/or Senior Expert, but these positions/duties are not classified by this AOG.)

f. Glossary. Several terms are used throughout the guide to describe subject matter content, curriculum, and instructional systems. These terms are not intended to be used interchangeably. Although there may be some overlap in content, they are defined as follows:

Activity. A separate organizational component at various echelons of command within a Department (e.g., USAISD, USAICS, TRADOC ).

Competency. The level of skill and knowledge required to perform a given task to standard under required conditions.

Critical Task. A collective or individual task which has been determined to be essential to mission and duty performance in a wartime mission and selected for training. Critical tasks are trained in the. training base, the unit, or both.

Curriculum or Curricula (pl). A particular area of study, often in a special field; or all the courses of study offered by an education and training institution.

Course. Several phases of instruction grouped together with a well-defined beginning and end. Courses typically range from a few weeks to as long as a year or more, such as Advanced Individual Training, Basic Noncommissioned Officer Course, Functional Courses, and Command and General Staff College.

Phase of Instruction. Several units of instruction which are grouped in a logical sequence. A phase involves a specific set of skills which usually result in the ability to accomplish a broader objective such as a critical task or duty. The length of phases are typically from one to four weeks. Examples of phases of instruction are Maintenance of Receivers, Basic Morse Code, and Counterintelligence Investigations.

Unit of Instruction. Several lessons which are directed towards the attainment of a terminal learning objective typically ranging from one day to one week in length. Example units of instruction include, but are not limited to, two five-hour lessons on training aids, eight lesson plans on DC circuits covering one week, and five lesson plans on the Soviet threat covering 25 hours.

Lesson. A segment of instruction with a single objective which typically is from one hour to one day in length. Examples of lessons include, but are not limited to, one hour on how to complete a DA Form 2404, three hours on resistor color code, or eight hours on the Soviet threat.

General Knowledge of Intelligence. A broad, overall understanding of the intelligence organization, mission, operations, disciplines, cycle, and techniques, skills, and knowledges which serve to facilitate the intelligence mission. Knowledge of the intelligence cycle to the degree that there is an understanding of which occupational specialty position performs which function and how that function fits into the intelligence cycle; however, the ability to perform the function is not necessary.. (For example: An academic element director/deputy director position would require a general knowledge of the various occupational specialties taught in the department, and how these specialties fit into the intelligence cycle, but the expertise for performing the function would not be necessary.)

Program of Instruction (POI). The training management document that specifies the purpose, prerequisites, content, course length, resource requirements (instructors and equipment) and sequence of instruction for institutional/resident courses.

Specialty. An occupational area or job classification such as branch, functional area, or area of concentration (AOC) for commissioned officers; branch, functional area, AOC, military occupational specialty (MOS), or MOS code (MOSC) for warrant officers; career management field (CMF), MOS, or MOSC for enlisted personnel; or classification series or occupational discipline for civilian personnel.

Systems Approach to Training (SAT). An instructional systems development process consisting of five interrelated processes (analysis, design, development; implementation, and evaluation) used to produce training programs and training materials or products.

Training Development (TD). The systematic creation of instruction which includes three of the five interrelated Systems Approach to Training (SAT) processes of analysis, design, and development.

Training Materials (or training support materials). Products of the TD process that enable training programs to be developed and implemented. They describe, enhance, supplement, or reinforce the training process. Training materials include, but are not limited to, finished products such as programs of instruction (POI), lesson plans, soldier training publications (STP), training extension courses (TEC), audiovisual materials (videodisc, videotape), and items such as system simulators. They may be used in conjunction with resident institutional training or to support collective and individual training in units.

Validation. The process of ensuring that training and evaluation products accomplish what they were intended to accomplish. Generally, this process entails the collection and analysis of data resulting from the trial use of the products.

g. Intelligence Occupational Codes. The following is a list of various types of intelligence occupations referred to in this AOG. This list contains examples and is not meant to be all inclusive. For other occupations within the intelligence field, refer to the list of occupational codes contained in the current Department of Defense (DoD) Intelligence Career Development Program/Defense Intelligence Special Career Automated System (ICDP/DISCAS) manual.


Technical and intelligence information derived from detection, research and study of sound emanations from foreign sources which generate acoustical waves and from which may provide characteristics, operation, and function of propulsion systems.


Procedures and techniques to protect automated systems that process classified and unclassified sensitive information and the information on the systems, including determination of sensitivity, conduct of risk assessments (identify threats, vulnerabilities, and countermeasures). Preparation and review of accreditation packages and implementation of personnel reliability program.


Information gathered and activities conducted to protect against espionage, other intelligence activities, sabotage, or assassinations, conducted for, or on behalf of, foreign powers, organizations or persons, or terrorist activities, but not including personnel, physical, document, or communications security programs.


Technical and intelligence information derived from foreign communications by other than the intended recipients.


Work in the construction and solution of codes and ciphers and in design of new and improved cryptographic equipment and methods.


Technical and intelligence work using information derived from foreign noncommunications radiations emanating from other than nuclear detonations or radioactive sources. Includes the intercept and study of target emissions as part of the defined or demonstrated weapon system performance parameters and systems operations (not to be confused-with RADINT).


Military uses of electronics, including wire communication and radio systems, equipment, components, materiel, and techniques, to ensure effective use of radiated electromagnetic energy and involving work undertaken to prevent or reduce an enemy's effective use of the radiated electromagnetic energy.


Technology and intelligence derived from the use of equipment involving the interrelation primarily between electronics, physics and optics pertaining to the transformation of energy into electromagnetic radiation or vice versa; also the development and maintenance of systems tracking, electro-optical sensing lasers and electronic instrumentation.


Intelligence information derived from the exploitation of collection by visual photography, infrared sensors, lasers, electro-optics and radar sensors such as synthetic aperture radar wherein images of objects are reproduced optically or electronically on film, electronic display devices or other media.


Procedures governing classification and declassification of information; marking, reproduction, dissemination, safeguarding, accountability, and destruction of classified information, investigation of security violations; after hours requirements. Planning, development or implementation of sensitive compartmented information programs, security awareness programs and/or special access programs.


The establishment and implementation of policies, plans, programs, and procedures for the management of intelligence activities. This may include budget, the development of requirements and performance specifications for the systematic application of intelligence processing and production methods, techniques, and procedures.


Scientific and technical intelligence information obtained by quantitative and qualitative analysis of data collected by specific technical sensors. The data are collected to identify distinctive features of the source, emitter or sender, and to facilitate its subsequent identification and/or measurement.


The identification, strength, disposition, and location of personnel, units, and equipment of intelligence and security forces.


Information derived from the operational use of one's own radar equipment, including the analysis of that information for intelligence purposes (not to be confused with ELINT).


A generic term including communications intelligence (COMINT), electronic intelligence (ELINT), and telemetry intelligence (TELINT). SIGINT refers to the combination of these or to either when the others are not specified.


The principles, policies, techniques and procedures by which intelligence forces guide their actions; the positioning, arranging and maneuvering of intelligence and security forces in peacetime and combat. situations; and the support rendered to allies or satellite nations in the forms of doctrine, policy or the augmentation of forces to further hostile intelligence efforts.




    Section A    |    Section B    |    Section C    |    Section D

Part II

Grade and Series Criteria

Part II's discussion divides the duties functionally between specialist and teacher/instructor rather than series. The discussions are for use in determining the grade levels of nonsupervisory positions involved in the field of intelligence education in duties typical of the GS-1701 or GS-1712 series. Information is also given on parenthetical titling, functions, corresponding DISCAS codes for the Intelligence Career Development Program, and grade band descriptions. Such information should be helpful in the placement of personnel and in developing training plans as well as in the classification of the positions.

This guide is multi-series in approach and may be used to evaluate instruction duties and responsibilities of mixed positions. In such cases, this guide is applied in .conjunction with the appropriate guide(s). that covers the majority of the positions' duties. Some positions may not be adequately evaluated by the criteria provided in this guide, because of the particular subject matter knowledge or level of knowledge required. In these instances, use the appropriate guide to evaluate the subject matter aspects of the position in conjunction with this guide.

Under "Occupational Background Information" in Part I, the discussion of the SAT indicates that both specialists and instructors are involved in curriculum and course development. The primary difference between that which is completed by the specialist as compared to that completed by the instructor is that the latter's involvement usually relates specifically to courses which the instructor (or coworkers or lower-graded instructors) will teach. For example, instructors will supplement course material and/or develop material for changes occurring in their area or for better ways of teaching their subject. They may have the responsibility for the overall maintenance of their assigned courses, including the initiation of any change needed to improve the course. The specialists are much more involved in the systems' work--the design phase and in technical aspects of development and evaluation, ensuring all parts of the phases (e.g., tests, aids, training plans, etc.) are completed to meet specific standards and practices. With the exception of an education specialist involved in staff and faculty development (teaching others "how to" teach), an education or training specialist's primary duty will not be platform instruction. Each section below is divided by this difference--the specialist's duties in positions where the primary responsibility is not platform instruction is discussed first; then discussed are positions for which the primary reason for the positions' existence is platform instruction. Evaluation of positions which are mixed in terms of specialist and instructor should consider both discussions.

The grade level criteria in this guide must be applied in accordance with the principles and procedures described in the CIPMS Classification Procedures Guide for General Schedule Positions. Not all aspects of assignments are discussed and work examples are not designed to be all inclusive bat have been selected for assistance in comparing an individual position's assignments and responsibilities to the guide. Points derived by this guide are converted to grade levels by the Grade Conversion Table in the Classification Procedures Guide, Appendix A (Primary Grading Standard), Part 2.


In addition to the official title specified in Part I, a parenthetical title will be added. For most positions, the general parenthetical title will be "(Intelligence)," which may be abbreviated as "(Intel)."

When the position requires the employee to apply a substantial and intensive specialized knowledge in addition to intelligence and education/training knowledges (for example, electronics), and this knowledge is reflected in qualifications requirements for the position, a more specific parenthetical title is authorized as part of the official title. Other specializations which do not meet the above requirements may be specified as functional or organizational titles in the body of the job description.



Work involving the administration, coordination, conduct, and/or management of activities in a program of education or training which requires the application of a knowledge of principles, practices, and techniques pertaining to such programs. Work entails application of the individual phases (steps) within the Systems Approach to Training (SAT) to staff development, as well as to produce resident and nonresident education and training programs and products.


Presenting classroom instruction in an occupation or subject, where the essential qualifications are a mastery of the knowledge and skills characteristic of a given occupation or subject, and a practical knowledge of the methods and techniques of instruction.



Specialist positions within the intelligence community vary significantly in their basic functional nature. Regardless of the specific function and the area of specialization, these positions have in common one broad basic function: To provide support in the form of services or products to aid instructors and administrators in the conduct of education and training programs that support the intelligence mission.

Specialist positions involve competencies in such broad areas as:

1. Analysis of training requirements, education and training program needs, student load, training resource requirements, costs for suitable facilities, training equipment, aids, devices, etc.

2. Design training, training support materials, automated training systems/devices, etc.

3. Develop courses of instruction, staff and faculty development, tests, training and training support materials, instructor manuals, case studies, or kinds of scenarios used with course materials, etc.

4. Evaluate training, training materials, research study results, conduct evaluation and research studies; etc.

Within their particular area, specialists serve as resource personnel for consultation and assistance to instructors on a wide range of education and training problems.

ENTRY LEVEL: includes grades GS-5 through GS-9.

Duty assignments typically found within this grade band are:

Performs entry level pre- and post instructional activities associated with intelligence training. Performs in a training development, Staff and Faculty Development, or evaluation capacity. Provides education and training input to/or drafts initial training development products, support materials, course documentation, and training evaluation studies IAW established procedures. (Examples include: Programs of Instruction, Technical Manuals, and Extension Training Materials.) Applies basic education and training knowledge to the design, development, revision or validation of courseware and/or objective tests. Prepares initial drafts, revises, and/or participates in the validation/verification of products IAW established procedures. (Examples include: Survey Instruments, Tests, Electronic Storyboards, Flowcharts, and Media Analysis.) Collects information regarding intelligence-related training needs and/or training-resource requirements, organizes and summarizes collected data, and prepares reports for input to staffing actions. Gathers data from numerous sources for inclusion into a variety of products. (Examples include: Job Analysis Reports, Course Administrative Data Reports, and Training Evaluation Reports.)

FULL PERFORMANCE: includes grades GS-10 through GS-13.

Duty assignments typically found within this grade band are:

Applies education and training principles in the planning and/or development of intelligence training, staff and faculty training, and in the evaluation of training programs and products. Applies education and training principles in the conduct of staff and faculty training, as well as in the planning and/or development of final training products. Conducts validation, effectiveness, cost and/or other studies. Performs analysis, coordinates support requirements and quality controls final products. (Examples include: Programs of Instruction, Lesson Plans, Technical Manuals, Tests, Evaluation Studies, Electronic Storyboards, Flowcharts, Media Analysis and Extension Training Materials. ) Reviews training materials, support materials and documentation for adherence to guidelines. Provides qualified education and training modifications to final products derived from various sources; for example, available doctrinal manuals, experience, and/or educational background. (Examples include: Survey Instruments, Soldiers Manuals, Job Books, Trainer's Guides, Critical Task Lists, and Interactive video Courseware Packages.) Designs data collection, instruments for use in determining intelligence training needs, effectiveness of training materials/programs, or resource requirements. Collects and independently evaluates data from various sources of information for inclusion into numerous products and/or reports for staffing. (Examples include: Data Collection Plans, Job Analysis Reports, Evaluation Reports, and Course Designs.)

EXPERT LEVEL: includes grades GS-14 and GS-15.

Duty assignments typically found within this grade band are:

Functions in an advisory capacity to the Activity commander and/or senior staff in the areas of intelligence training, training development, staff development, and program evaluation. Develops, implements, and/or reviews regulations, policies, and procedures for training, training development, and/or evaluation programs. Develops innovative and/or revises existing procedures or approaches to address unique training and/or evaluation problems affecting the Activity's mission. Implements changes to the training system as directed by national policy/directives. Represents the Activity and/or interacts with other professionals in matters affecting educational and/or training programs, procedures and policies. Recommends, plans and prioritizes education and training research projects. (Examples of research projects include: aptitude prerequisites for enlistees, innovative training strategies for Morse operators, intelligence analysts, or linguists.)

SENIOR EXPERT LEVEL: includes grades GS-16 through GS-18.

Duty assignments typically found within this grade band are:

Provides technical oversight and leadership for Army intelligence training, training development, staff development, and/or training evaluation programs. Establishes, plans, and prioritizes the intelligence training, research, and resource requirements needed to achieve national intelligence objectives. Sets priorities and applies resources to projects and programs to meet established national and/or mission objectives. (Examples include: new or revised operational and/or training systems, long range plans, and Executive Agent training programs.) Develops and/or reviews Army-level regulations, policies and procedures for use with inter/intra Army training systems and programs. Coordinates programs and/or policies among DoD Agencies, resolves inter/intra Army training problems, represents the Army at national decision making conferences, and modifies inter/intra policies/regulations to meet established national objectives. (Examples include: Policy Letters, National/Army Directives, and Inter/Intra Army Training Standards.) Evaluates the effectiveness of intelligence training conducted by Department of Defense Agencies and/or organizations in relation to stated national intelligence objectives. Coordinates national level research and/or evaluation studies and projects. Reviews studies and projects of other Agencies and organizations to determine the applicability of the studies to the parent organization. (Examples include: Joint Agency Reports, Multi-Service Training Agreements, National Assessments, and Memorandums of Agreement.)


Instructor positions within the intelligence community require a knowledge of education and[ training practices and procedures, as well as a wide range of subject matter expertise depending on the intelligence discipline taught.

All instructor positions in the intelligence community involve competencies in such areas as curriculum planning and course development: instructional procedures and techniques, counseling and evaluating students, and providing technical advice and assistance in a specific subject field. The positions differ from each other in the kind and extent of the knowledge required and by the level of assigned instruction.

Providing education and training to meet specific intelligence learning needs involves many activities and many competencies. Instructors develop, revise, or adapt ongoing or future courses. This may involve planning, developing, or selecting course content, and developing training aids and other necessary training materials for a given curriculum. Preparation includes selecting, organizing training materials and aids for each session, and also developing supplemental training materials and aids as needed. Conducting training sessions involves using appropriate techniques and approaches and adjusting the instruction as class needs require. Some instructional situations differ from traditional classroom environments and involve learning programs that are student self-paced through use of special learning systems/devices (e.g., interactive video disc programs). In these situations, the instructor guides the students in the use of the training device or system and acts as a training facilitator. The instructor evaluates, counsels, and advises students to ensure successful course completion. The instructor may also provide advisory services on assigned intelligence subject areas, by recommending modifications to existing training programs or products.

ENTRY LEVEL: includes grades GS-5 through GS-9.

Duty assignments typically found within this grade band are:

Instructs well-established topics which involve the learning of facts and/or uncomplicated operational skills. (Examples include: technical mathematics and the .operation of a radio receiver.) Recommends technical changes to lesson content or adjustments to training media and materials. May contribute to the development of individual lesson plans. Assesses student comprehension of lesson material and provides students advice and assistance in achieving lesson objectives. Complies with security/safety practices and procedures and insures students do the same.

FULL PERFORMANCE LEVEL: includes grades GS-10 through GS-13.

Duty assignments typically found within this grade band are:

Instructs complex topics which involve emerging doctrine, technology or highly specialized skills required by the intelligence community. (Examples include: maintenance of intelligence systems, interrogation techniques, and Morse collection.) Prepares instructional plans for state-of-the-art technical subject matter, as well as interprets outdated or inadequate resource material. Applies a variety of advanced and sophisticated instructional techniques suitable for the subject area. Determines course objectives, instructional strategies, and training media/materials. Provides technical and applied training expertise into all phases of development. 'Develops course content to reflect new or changing doctrine and technology as it relates to the intelligence threat. In addition to the duties at the entry level, reviews course analysis, designs, and programs of instruction for technical adequacy and recommends improvements. Provides subject matter expertise for the integration of new systems and equipment into intelligence operations. Identifies resource requirements needed to conduct training. Integrates safety and security policies and procedures into training.

EXPERT LEVEL: includes grades GS-14 through GS-15.

Duty assignments typically found within this grade band are:

Instructs very complex and unique topics which involve various interrelated intelligence fields and curricula which are distinguished by newly developing or otherwise highly fluid situations. Initiates innovative instructional methods and strategies for the newly emerging systems, technologies, and doctrines. Conducts high level conferences and discussions on intelligence community-wide training requirements and objectives and provides educational/training expertise on a variety of matters. Keeps informed of trends, developments, and activities being planned in the subject field. Continually reassesses instructional materials and curriculum revisions to ensure inclusion of new information. Reviews instructional strategies and materials prepared by others in terms of form, content, and adequacy in meeting the objectives. Establishes policy regarding performance and academic standards. Evaluates student learning relative to the needs of the field and mission requirements. Integrates DoD training with Army, MACOM, and intelligence community requirements. Provides technical advice regarding the systems engineered approach to training. Coordinates with other Agencies to establish safety and security procedures. Predicts and develops plans for future training to meet changing mission requirements. (Examples include: Training Requirements Analysis System/Individual Training Plan (TRAS/ITP) documentation, student load projections, resource requirements, and doctrinal/threat changes.)


1. FACTOR A - ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGES: This factor measures the nature and extent of information or facts that must be understood to do acceptable work (e.g., steps, procedures, practices, rules, policies, theories, principles, and concepts) and the nature and extent of the skills needed to apply these knowledges.


Specialist: Knowledge of or equivalent experience in applying basic education and training principles, concepts, and methodologies in the area of staff and faculty training, training development, or occupational. training within an intelligence organization. This type of knowledge could be acquired through a baccalaureate program in education or a comparable program, or through work experience associated with the training of an intelligence specialty (e.g., CI, EW, HUMINT, and SIGINT). Also, basic knowledge of data collection .procedures, statistical methods and practices, learning theory, training practices, training resource documentation, and design principles for automated training systems. Skill in applying these knowledges to one or more of the following areas: simple descriptive statistical analysis, construction of individual survey/test items, operation of personal computers, use of specified software packages, design of course units, documentations of courses, evaluation of units of instruction, or equivalent skills. Ability to apply physical and document security procedures for classified material.

Instructor: Knowledge of the basic principles and concepts of subject matter field and/or methods of instruction. Ability to apply these knowledges through effective oral and written communication with students. Uses these skills and knowledges in the completion of limited projects involving specialized and complicated training techniques. (Examples: a trained Russian instructor with no experience in the intelligence field teaches Cyrillic alphabet and basic vocabulary; a staff and faculty development instructor trains command-provided core objectives in programs such as "train-the-trainer.") Ability to apply physical and document security procedures for classified material.


Specialist: Knowledge of the principles, concepts, and methodologies of an education or training occupation as previously described in A-5 supplemented either by: (a) skills gained through job experience to permit independent performance of recurring assignments, or (b) expanded education or training knowledge gained through relevant specialized study and/or experience, which has provided the skills necessary to carry out assignments, operations, and procedures IAW organization guidelines. (These skills in education or training are significantly more difficult and complex than those covered by degree A-5.) Knowledge in one or more of the following areas: Systems Approach to Training (SAT) methodology, job and task analysis, training design strategy, interactive video training systems and courseware development, validation of training materials, TRADOC's training resource system, evaluation and research procedures. Ability to apply these knowledges to accomplish one or more of the following work activities: document a complete analysis of a job and associated tasks; design training strategies for learning objectives; develop flowcharts, storyboards, and write scripts for interactive courseware; prepare resource and budget documentation; conduct interviews to support evaluation and research projects. Ability to apply security regulations to various levels of classified work materials.

Instructor: Knowledge of the assigned subject matter area and its relationship to the broad military intelligence field with which it is associated. Knowledge in the areas of instructional methods, counseling techniques, and instructional systems development, and ability to instruct phases/courses and to counsel and advise students. (Examples: conversational Russian is instructed using traditional as well as sophisticated instructional techniques such as interactive video disc and scenario-generated lessons; staff and faculty are trained on the use of different instructional methods and training models.) Ability to apply security regulations to various levels of classified work materials.


Specialist: Knowledge of a wide range of concepts, principles, and practices, as would typically be gained through specialized study or experience requiring the application of this knowledge to difficult and complex work assignments in education or training. Full knowledge of a wide range or in-depth knowledge of two or more of the following: job and task analysis, training design, interactive training systems, courseware development, tests and measurements, research, training evaluation or training resource requirements, and all relevant established regulations. In addition, the ability to perform one or more of the following: develop job and task analysis plans, develop criterion-referenced test plans, construct data collection instruments, plan-and conduct evaluation and/or research studies, develop interactive courseware training materials, design and manage a staff and faculty training program, design a multidiscipline training scenario, prepare long-range training resource plans, or the equivalent.

Instructor: Extensive and authoritative subject matter knowledge in the intelligence field. In the staff and faculty development area, extensive knowledge of the application of instructional methodology and technology. Sophisticated instructional skills and techniques are needed for: the delivery of training using complex training devices, operator psychomotor skills, highly complex analysis problems, or staff and faculty development training programs. Both instructional/subject matter skills and knowledges are used for course development or revision due to changing technology or mission requirements. (For example, instruction in highly complex or technical areas such as space collection, technology transfer, or terrorism.)


Specialist: Mastery of principles, methods, practices and techniques of at least one education or intelligence field. Ability to apply experimental theories and new developments to education or training problems not correctable by accepted methods. Ability to design major research studies; design training strategies for automated training systems; create unique evaluation instruments; develop and/or review training policies, regulations, and procedures; provide consultation on establishing training programs for' new and/or sensitive intelligence systems; or the equivalent.

Instructor: A mastery of one or more of the intelligence specialties. (e.g., IMINT, HUMINT, SIGINT, EW) and how those disciplines are interrelated in the collection, analysis, processing and reporting of intelligence. A mastery of training strategies, methods, and techniques is used to integrate and instruct new intelligence theories and processes as they apply to the current and future DoD doctrine. (For example: development of new training strategies, methods and techniques to integrate computer-based training devices into the curriculum when there are special problems.)


Specialist: Advanced mastery of education is required to review and evaluate new education or training hypotheses and theories and/or major programs in the intelligence training arena. Serves as a leading authority in education or training of intelligence specialties within the Army, a joint organization, the defense establishment, and/or the intelligence community. Ability to plan intelligence training, conduct research, and determine resource requirements, and the ability to review and evaluate Army-level regulations, policies and procedures, and evaluate the effectiveness of intelligence training.

2. FACTOR B - GUIDELINES: This factor measures the nature of the guidelines used (e.g., regulations, procedures, precedents, methods, techniques and other guidelines which govern the work), and the degree of interpretation. required of these references, including the elements of judgment and originality.


Specialist: Specifically prescribed, detailed guidelines (e.g., regulations, SOPs, previously completed work) are readily available for performing the work. The number and similarity of guidelines and work situations require judgment in locating and selecting the most appropriate guidelines for applying basic educational and/or training principles to the drafting of products. Judgment is also required to adapt appropriate guidelines to a specific situation. Situations involving significant deviation from established guidelines or the absence of adequate guidelines are referred to the supervisor.

Instructor: Specifically prescribed, detailed guidelines are available for performing the work. These guidelines typically include established course outlines, prepackaged lesson content, and prepared training materials and aids. Judgment is required for the location and selection of appropriate training products and in making minor deviations to adapt the products to the assignment. (Examples include guidelines for: test versions, equipment malfunction for troubleshooting, and system initialization IAW appropriate guidelines.) Situations involving significant deviation from established guidelines or the absence of adequate guidelines are referred to the supervisor.


Specialist: Guidelines are available, but are not completely applicable to certain occupational areas (e.g., intelligence training courseware development, design, and evaluation). It is necessary to use judgment in interpreting and adapting guidelines to Activity policies, regulations, precedents and work directions for application to specific cases or problems. Products must be reviewed and recommendations for change, if needed, must be made to resolve issues/problems in intelligence education and training.

Instructor: Guidelines are available but are not completely applicable to the work or have gaps in specificity which the instructor must complete. Judgment must be used in interpreting and adapting intelligence, education and training policies, regulations, and materials such as course designs, previously developed programs of instruction and lesson plans to support basic subject matter instruction. Guidelines for the development of new lesson plans exist which the instructor must interpret and adapt to develop lesson plans for course content. Lesson plans which cover complex subject matter must be interpreted and delivered to the particular target audience. The instructor in this position analyzes results and recommends changes to the unit or phase of instruction.


Specialist: A wide range of education and training doctrinal and policy guidelines is available but these are stated only in very general terms, and are not completely applicable or are of limited use to the requirements of Intelligence training work. The subject matter areas are from comparatively new or changing fields where little research has been accomplished, updated, or validated and authoritative backup and usable source materials are scarce. The use of initiative and resourcefulness in deviating from established trends or patterns to develop new methods, criteria, or to propose new policies is often necessary.

Instructor: Administrative policies and precedents are applicable but are Stated only in very general terms. The subject matter areas are from a comparatively new or rapidly changing field where little research has been conducted, updated, or validated. As a result, authoritative backup and usable source materials are scarce; if available, the material is too technical or unsuitable for the target population. The instructor must use initiative and resourcefulness to deviate from traditional educational or training methods or research new methods in order to develop and revise courses and materials.


Specialist: Guidelines are broadly stated and nonspecific. The specialist in this position must use judgment and ingenuity in interpreting the intent of guides that do exist and developing applications to specific areas of work. Due to rapidly evolving technology and/or outdated doctrine in the area, available source documents provide only initial ideas for the development and evaluation of training materials (e.g., analysis documentation, design packages, and programs of instruction). The specialist in this position is frequently recognized as an authority in the field and is often required to develop guidelines pertaining to the particular intelligence/educational discipline.

Instructor: Guidelines are broadly stated and nonspecific. Judgment and ingenuity are used in interpreting the intent of existing policies and in developing applications to specific areas of work. Continuous technological and doctrinal changes in an ever evolving area cause existing guidelines to become obsolete quickly so that they are used as references, and the specialist must interpret new theories and concepts into useable guidelines. The instructor in this position is often required to develop guidelines pertaining to the particular intelligence specialty's course of instruction. The instructor at this degree level is an authority in his/her field of expertise for the development and interpretation of guidelines.


Specialist: Guidelines are virtually nonexistent. Precedents are obscure or not available. Originality, creativity, and/or long-term experience are required to deal with or to plan theoretical, experimental or complex educational programs. New concepts and methodology must be developed for such advanced and unique programs. Definitive plans are developed and pioneering efforts are directed to solve problems that require an extension of theory or principles.


This factor covers the relationship between (1) the nature of the work (e.g., purpose, breadth, and depth of assignments), and (2) the effect of the work products or services both within and outside the organizational element. Effect also measures such things as whether the; work output facilitates the work of others, provides timely service of a personal nature, or impacts on the adequacy of research conclusions. In all positions, practices dangerous to security or security violations could result in the compromise of intelligence information possibly affecting national security.


Specialist: The scope is limited to the development of routine items for training products: or to portions of special assignments where errors are readily detected and corrected. Decisions effect the availability of training development and evaluation time within the unit. Such decisions do not normally result in complete rejection of the training development product.

Instructor: The scope is limited to the training of terminal learning objectives. The effect is minimal in terms of accomplishing the total training mission. Decisions may result in student remediation and consequent loss of training time. These decisions do not normally result in academic failure or a reduction in the force structure.


Specialist: The scope of the work involves the drafting of training development and evaluation, products and the making of decisions on applying established procedures which affect units within the organization. Decisions impact on the ability of other organizational units to accomplish a major intelligence training project.

Instructor: The scope of the work involves the training of complex curricula related to intelligence work. The instructor makes decisions on the application of established procedures and initiates actions which affect various internal and external organizations. Problems with the decisions or commitments, particularly those that would affect student attrition, are not immediately apparent. Such problems are revealed in subsequent operations by reduced force structure and increased on-the-job training. Decisions may cause an inability in other organizational units to accomplish a major intelligence mission.


Specialist: Establishes training development and evaluation strategies by interpreting regulations and practices. Initiates actions which affect the missions and subsequent product deadlines of other elements within the organization. Determines critical task selection procedures, training development, and/or evaluation actions based on field intelligence mission needs or staff and faculty development needs. Decisions made affect the adequacy of Army intelligence unit operational readiness.

Instructor: Regulations and policies are interpreted for establishment of training objectives and strategies. The scope of coverage given to the training of critical tasks is determined by the military intelligence mission requirements. Decisions may affect unit operational readiness, intelligence timeliness, lives, systems and equipment, as well as the value of intelligence itself.


Specialist: Makes decisions and initiates actions which involve the interpretation of policy or the setting of precedents. Makes authoritative decisions regarding the nature and content of staff and faculty development, intelligence training development, and/or research program. Establishes the precedent for the procedure or standard of training, training development and/or evaluation provided to a large community (e.g., a Combat Electronic Warfare Intelligence group or field station) which would impact the ability to accomplish a major intelligence mission, or to a small segment of the intelligence community with a significant effect on a critical mission.

Instructor: Decisions are made and actions are initiated which involve policy interpretation or precedent setting. Decisions are made regarding -the nature, content, and depth of the subject matter training which would determine the ability or inability to accomplish a major intelligence mission (e.g., at Corps or Field Station level) or a specialized mission of critical or sensitive nature.


Specialist: Makes recommendations and decisions which affect the scope and direction of large and complex programs or educational activities of crucial importance to the Activity's intelligence mission. Commitments have a large effect on resources and may result in the initiation or cancellation of major intelligence programs.


Specialist: Makes recommendations and decisions which directly affect the Army's or joint organization's overall intelligence mission and may result in major policy changes directly affecting the Army, DoD, Executive Agent, and/or others. Authority to commit the Army or joint organization to a course of action affecting its intelligence mission is limited only by government policy or precedent.

4. FACTOR D - WORK RELATIONSHIPS: This factor includes contacts with persons not in the supervisory chain, and is based on what is required to make the initial contact, the difficulty of communicating with those contacted, and the degree to which the employee and those contacted recognize their relative roles and authorities. Purpose of the contacts ranges from. factual exchanges of information to situations involving significant or controversial issues and differing viewpoints, goals, or objectives.


Specialist: Person-to-person work relationships are primarily with training instructors and other education and training specialists in a training, training development, or evaluation element. work relationships are a regular and necessary part of the Job and are for the purpose of giving or obtaining factual information about intelligence disciplines and/or training development techniques.

Instructor: Contacts, primarily with students, are a regular and necessary part of the Job. The purpose is to provide and clarify facts or information in the assigned subject area. At this level, there are also frequent contacts with other instructors and faculty for the purpose of receiving training in the subject area and instructional methods.


Specialist: Person-to-person work relationships are for the purpose of giving or obtaining information on intelligence disciplines and/or training, training development, and/or evaluation problems. Explanation or interpretation of facts, procedures, or security directives are required to answer queries and to implement regulations and policies or maintain coordination.

Instructor: Routine person to person contacts are made in regard to the subject matter and/or instruction, and to deal with training support and development functions. The purpose is to obtain information, receive clarification, implement regulations or policies, or coordinate work efforts and services where some explanation or interpretation of facts is required.


Specialist: Person-to-person work relationships are for the purpose of giving or obtaining information on non-routine problems requiring explanation or interpretation of facts. Also, discussions of implications and inferences are held in order to gain concurrence or persuade to action. (Examples of non-routine problems include: validation failure of course materials, security implications of sensitive materials, and cross-discipline training scenarios.)

Instructor: Purpose of contacts is not only to exchange information, to plan, to coordinate, and to advise on work efforts, but also to seek agreement and/or approval regarding solutions to non-routine problems, to persuade others to provide resource support of the training mission, or other needed cooperation.


Specialist: Person-to-person work relationships are for the purpose of discussing policy matters and major changes in intelligence 'training program emphasis in order to provide authoritative advice on their effect and feasibility, to gain necessary cooperation and support, and to persuade to action. Contacts are. external to the organization and extend to equivalent level organizations involved in different types of training. (Examples of contacts include: the American Council on Education, Army Research Institute, and civilian colleges and universities.)

Instructor: Contacts are with a broad range of senior DoD staff, internal and external to' the intelligence community. The purpose of the contacts is to discuss policy, to recommend changes in program emphasis, and to provide subject matter or instructional advice. This may involve significant changes in policy, the acquisition of scarce resources, negotiations of contractor training or changes in training doctrine, and involve a large degree of tact and diplomacy.


Specialist: Person-to-person work relationships are for the purpose of securing acceptance or indispensable support of, or for explaining and defending policies and programs which represent the most controversial or crucial phases of the Army's/joint organization's intelligence training programs. Personal contacts are typically with high-ranking officials at national or international levels, with executives of large industrial firms, with college and university representatives, or with specific policymakers and senior staff of other Departments/joint organizations of the Intelligence Community. (Examples of organizations which are contacted could include: the National Security Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency, and various accrediting agencies.)

5. FACTOR E - SUPERVISION RECEIVED: This factor covers the nature and extent of direct or indirect controls exercised by the supervisor, the employee's responsibility, and the methodology for reviewing completed work.


Specialist: Work assignments are well defined and accompanied by pertinent references or regulations relating to training, training development or evaluation. The specialist in this position carries out routine assignments independently and may recommend modifications if the work .is new, difficult, or unusual. Supervisor maintains control over work through review of work for such things as accuracy, adequacy, and adherence to instructions, and is available to provide guidance in resolving difficult issues.

Instructor: Carries out routine assignments independently. Work assignments are well defined and accompanied by approved lesson plans and previously developed units of instruction. May recommend modifications to lesson plans. Instructs with a senior instructor who occasionally monitors the presentations for prescribed teaching methods and subject matter adequacy and accuracy.


Specialist: The supervisor makes assignments by defining objectives, priorities, and deadlines for training, training development, or evaluation projects, and assists with unusual situations which do not have clear precedents. The specialist in this position plans and carries out successive steps and handles intelligence education and training related problems' in the work assignment IAW instructions, previous training, or accepted practices. Finished work is reviewed for accuracy, quality, and compliance with more complex instructions, guidelines and training methodologies.

Instructor: The supervisor or senior instructor makes assignments by defining lesson objectives and work schedules, and assists employee with unusual situations which do not have clear precedents. The employee plans and carries out the work schedule independently, making on-the-spot modifications of presentations to meet the unique characteristics of the target audience IAW regulations governing classroom management, or accepted educational/training practices. Work is reviewed for subject matter adequacy, quality, application of instructional methodologies, adherence to security and safety requirements and other established policies.


Specialist: Work assignments are generally defined and' accompanied by previously established objectives and schedules determined in consultation with the supervisor. The specialist in this position independently plans and carries out training design and development projects, resolving most of the conflicts which arise, and interpreting intelligence training policy in terms of established objectives. The supervisor is kept informed of progress and is available for coordination and assistance in the most controversial matters which are unresolvable by the employee. Finished work and methods are reviewed for accuracy and training effectiveness and for compliance with complex instructions and guidelines.

Instructor: Overall, work assignments are generally defined and accompanied by previously established objectives and schedules developed in consultation with the supervisor. The instructor independently plans and carries out instructional-activities. Supervisor is kept informed of progress and is available for assistance in the most controversial matters which are unresolvable by the employee. Finished work involving substantial changes to curriculum must be reviewed by the supervisor for subject matter accuracy, educational effectiveness, and consistency with overall training plans.


Specialist: The supervisor generally provides only administrative direction, with assignments made in terms of broadly defined missions or functions. The specialist in this position then has the responsibility for planning, designing, and carrying out the programs, projects, studies or other work independently. The supervisor is kept: informed of significant developments. Completed work is reviewed from an overall standpoint in terms of feasibility, compatibility, effectiveness or expected results, and for its contribution to the overall education and training intelligence specialty project or program.

Instructor: Work assignments are frequently self-initiated and include extensive fact finding and research to compensate for the lack of documentation for curriculum improvement proposals. Assignments consist of general directions and broadly defined mission or function requirements. The instructor has responsibility for planning, designing and carrying out the work independently. The final product is reviewed for feasibility, effectiveness, and specific contribution to an overall program.


Specialist: Assignments are made in terms of overall Activity missions, goals, and policies.. The specialist in this position selects objectives, plans and methods based on requirements and independent of any review. Delegated authority is complete. Broad policy questions or major problems of coordination are resolved in conference with advisors and/or personnel of other Activity elements. In matters relating to education and/or training of an intelligence discipline, recommendations for new projects or alterations of objectives are usually evaluated for such considerations as availability of funds and other resources, program or mission goals, or national priorities. Results of completed work are generally considered as technically authoritative and normally accepted without significant change.

Instructor: Assignments are made in terms of the overall training needs of the military intelligence community. Training methods and subject matter content are developed independent of any review. Policies regarding educational principles, funding, resource constraints, and broad program goals are determined in conference with advisors and/or other organizational senior staff members. Recommendation for alteration of objectives are usually evaluated for such consideration as availability of funds; and other resources, broad program goals, or national priorities. Training improvements are considered as technically authoritative and are normally accepted without significant change.