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DCIPS Lifecycle: Separation Back to DCIPS Lifecycle
  • Policy

  • Guidance

    • Key AIF Terms
    • Adjustment in Force Fact Sheet [09/05/2012]
    • Adjustment in Force FAQs [09/05/2012]
    • Employee Guidance
      • AIF FAQs for Employees
      • Announcements and Notification
        • General Announcement. There should be an announcement of an AIF no later than 90 days prior to the effective date of the AIF
        • Individual Notification. Affected employees should be notified no later than 60 days prior to the effective date of the AIF
      • Employee Rights.
        • Right of Assignment
        • Offers. Once a position is offered to an employee, the employee is entitled to that offer. Except as provided in AP-V 2004, the employee is not entitled to any further offers if the employee: (1) Accepts the initial offer, (2) Rejects the initial offer, or (3) Fails to reply to the initial offer within a reasonable time.
        • Right of Appeal
      • What if I’m displaced?
    • AIF Basics.
      • Retention Standing. Employees occupying positions in the same competitive group compete for positions in AIF based on their retention standing. Retention standing is based on a combination of tenure, veterans’ preference, performance, and length of creditable service, and is determined only for competing employees.
      • Retention Register. All competing employees occupying positions in the competitive area, who are placed in the same competitive group, are included on a retention register in order of retention standing. While all positions in the competitive group are listed, only competing employees have retention standing.
      • Right of Assignment. Through AIF, Army DCIPS employees have the right to displace other Army DCIPS employees with lower retention standing in the assigned competitive group or competitive area, but have no right of assignment beyond their competitive group or competitive area during an AIF.
      • An Army DCIPS employee shall be displaced by moving the employee from his or her present position to a position held by an employee of lower retention standing on the same retention list. Displacement is caused by the abolishment of the employee’s position or by the movement of an employee with higher retention standing into a position held by an employee of lower retention standing.
      • Employees shall be released from the retention register in the inverse order of retention standing, beginning with the employee with the lowest retention standing. To ensure this, employees with the highest retention standing whose position has been abolished, shall be placed first. This process shall continue for each employee whose position has been abolished, or whom another employee has displaced, in descending retention standing order.
    • AIF Appeal Procedures
      • Army DCIPS employees may appeal to the AIF Appeals Committee (AC). The AIF AC is composed as follows:
        • The AIF AC shall consist of DISES/DISL level or equivalent officers designated by each Component, and appointed by the USD(I).
        • The Director, Human Capital management Office (HCMO) or designee shall serve as chairperson for the AIF AC.
      • Appeals to the AIF AC must be in writing, must specify the allegation, and must be received by the OUSD(I) HCMO by the 30th calendar day after the effective date of the AIF action.
      • Appeals may not be filed by an employee on behalf of any other employee(s).
      • The AIF AC will be convened whenever the Director, HCMO is in receipt of at least one valid appeal.
      • An Army DCIPS employee who has filed an appeal and is awaiting ruling on that appeal shall immediately notify the AIF AC if he or she accepts an offer of assignment to a position of the same grade he or she held immediately prior to the AIF in issue.
    • Outplacement Services
      • DoD Priority Placement Program (PPP). PPP is an automated, mandatory placement program used to match well-qualified employees, who are facing dislocation or separation, with vacant positions elsewhere in DoD. Registration eligibility is primarily based on the individual being displaced through AIF, transfer of function or declination of management-directed reassignment outside the employee’s immediate commuting area.
      • DCIPS Retention Program (DRP). The DRP provides a standardized process with central oversight to match employees pending separation by AIF with available DCIPS positions matching their skills and experience in a consistent, equitable and timely manner, to include reporting requirements to support program application.

  • Communications

  • Training

    • AIF101 - A one hour, interactive, self-paced course provides a basic overview of an Adjustment in Force (AIF) to interested employees

  • SOPs, Templates and Forms

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