Position Management and Classification

Guide to Classifying GS Positions in CIPMS and Implementation of CIPMS
Primary Grading Standard (PGS) for Supervisory/Managerial Positions

Table of Contents | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | References
Supervisory Positions | Non-Supervisory Positions | Appendix B | Appendix G

CIPMS Classification Factors And Subfactors Part 3


Factor A, Guidelines
- Nature & availability of guidelines used to perform the work; and
- Degree of interpretation, including Judgment and originality, required to use the guidelines.

Factor B, Scope & Variety of Operations
- Nature of supervisory/managerial workload and authority; and
- variety of functions of the organization supervised.

Factor C, Work Relationships
- Difficulty of attaining work goals and objectives through personal contacts; and
- Nature, frequency and purpose of person-to-person work relationships.

Factor D, Supervision Exercised
- Responsibility for technical and administrative supervision of the work; and
- Involvement in supervisory personnel functions.

Factor E, Complexity of Work Supervised
- Grade level of highest nonsupervisory work both technically and administratively supervised.

The following are the factor and degree descriptions for supervisory CIPMS work.

Factor A - GUIDELINES. This factor measures the degree to which judgment and originality play a role in the supervisor's assignment. It is the availability and strict adherence to guidelines or the total lack of them that gauges the level of independent Judgment and initiative in a supervisory position.

DEGREE A-1 - 15 Points
Works in strict adherence to guidelines; any deviations must be authorized by immediate supervisor.

DEGREE A-2 - 35 Points
Works in adherence to guidelines but may utilize some independent discretion in locating and selecting the most appropriate guideline or reference.

DEGREE A-3 - 55 Points
Utilizes judgment, resourcefulness, and initiative in adapting and applying guidelines. Is responsible for analyzing results and recommending changes' to deal with the more difficult' or unusual assignments.

DEGREE A-4 - 75 Points
Guidelines exist but judgment and ingenuity in interpreting the intent of these guides is required. May be required to make major or novel adaptations to existing guides in order 6o accomplish the mission of the element.

DEGREE A-5 - 95 Points
Guidelines at this level have only limited applications in-the most significant areas of work. Exercises a very high degree of originality and sound judgment in formulating, evaluating, and monitoring the organization's programs. when new concepts/technologies are developed, there are no precedents/guidelines on which to base or predict expected results and none that can be used to develop appropriate criteria, methods, procedures, and techniques. Exercises judgment and ingenuity in guiding personnel in the analysis of these unique problems, and in developing new and improved techniques and methods for the organization's mission are inherent of a position at this level.

DEGREE A-6 - 115 Points
The only available guidelines are broad statements of policy. Precedents are obscure or non-existent. A supervisor at this level has full and final technical responsibility for the work of the organization. Is responsible for developing plans and programs that sometimes are in advance of pioneering efforts requiring a great deal of ingenuity and originality to develop applications in specific areas of the organization's mission.

Factor B - SCOPE AND VARIETY OF OPERATIONS. This factor is intended to measure the extent to which size, workload, and variety of functions of the organization supervised contribute to the difficulty of the supervisory position.

DEGREE B-1 - 25 Points
Responsible for supervising the day-to-day work of an element in which the operations are well defined and work methods are firmly established. Only one kind of work is normally represented. Supervisor directs work-flow, guides employees in the application of established procedures, assigns new or additional work when required, trains new employees, and initiates personnel actions. Reviews work in progress or upon completion for compliance with instructions and overall quality.

DEGREE B-2 - 65 Points
Responsible for planning and supervising the work of an element or work center for which the programs and objectives are clearly defined and the organizational structure fully established. More than one kind of work may be present, requiring an additional body of knowledge. Moderate variations in workload may be imposed on the supervisor due to cyclic fluctuations. Incumbent plans work flow and makes work assignments, adjusting work loads. and adapting or modifying procedures to alleviate backlogs or delays. Reviews completed work for technical adequacy and for compliance with instructions. Is responsible for the quality and quantity of finished work.

DEGREE B-3 - 95 Points
Responsible, directly or through subordinate supervisors for organizing, planning, and directing the work program of an element for which program objectives and limitations are established. At this level of supervision, a greater variety of work and activities requiring frequently shifting work assignments and diversified occupational specialties exist. May be required to alter the organizational structure of the element and work methods to meet changes in requirements and shifts in workload. Assigns and reassigns personnel and consults with superiors on major technical and administrative problems. is responsible for the effective use of assigned personnel and for the quality and quantity of work produced.

DEGREE B-4 - 125 Points
Responsible for directing and coordinating diverse work programs through intermediate levels of supervision. Within the framework of policy, determines organizational structure and approves work plans and methods. At this level, additional supervisory problems may exist such as subordinates located in widely separated locales; constantly changing assignments and deadlines; frequent, often abrupt and unexpected changes in work assignments and goals; a wide variety of occupations, each very distinct in and of itself;. supervision of shift operations, i.e., activities that are carried out through two or more shifts. work at this level requires the supervisor to be constantly adjusting to the unpredictable consequences of added pressure. Is responsible for the efficient and economical management of personnel and material resources.

DEGREE B-5 - 150 Points
Responsible for executing a primary mission of the Activity by managing and administering a group of major work programs. Is fully accountable for the economy and efficiency of operations for compliance with U.S. and Activity policy, and for attainment of program goals and objectives. The variety and nature of the work supervised is often at the technical frontiers of not only the Activity but the intelligence community.

Factor C - WORK RELATIONSHIPS. This factor deals with considerations of the difficulty of attaining work goals and objectives through personal contacts both within and outside the activity, the nature, frequency and purpose of person-to-person work relationships which are required by the duties of the position.

DEGREE C-1 - 15 Points
element and are highly structured situations of an incidental nature and do not play any role in overall performance.

DEGREE C-2 - 35 Points
Person-to-person work relationships are required but are not essential in the overall daily performance. Contacts at this level would normally be within the supervisor's organization to explain changes in work patterns or to explain deviations in work processes or methods. Occasional coordination with other elements having a similar mission relationship may occur if guidelines or instructions require joint coordination to avoid backlogs or delays.

DEGREE C-3 - 55 Points
Contacts are regular and necessary part of the function and are generally to clarify or give facts or information in which the subject matter requires some interpretation. At this level, most contacts are within the supervisor's own assigned organization; however, occasional contacts may be with external organizations whose missions differ considerably from the supervisor's element.

DEGREE C-4 - 75 Points
Daily contact is required with personnel in a wide variety of Activity elements having mission related activities and occasionally with operating personnel within the intelligence community. Purpose of contacts is to resolve non-routine problems affecting the overall activities of the element. At this level, must be able to persuade or influence others to gain concurrence on major issues that affect the supervisor's element.

DEGREE C-5 - 95 Points
Person-to-person work relationships are for the purpose of justifying, demanding, negotiating, or settling matters involving significant or controversial issues. Contacts are generally with high ranking officials both within and outside the Activity. The supervisor is expected to provide authoritative advice and guidance and to be a spokesman for the organization,. and be able to win support for the organization's programs.

DEGREE C-6 - 115 Points
Person-to-person work relationships are to negotiate or solve issues relating to the most significant programs of the Activity. Must defend extremely controversial or critical long range plans of the Activity. These contacts would be at the highest levels of the Activity, with ranking officials of the other government agencies, or with executives of corporations having dealings with the Activity.

Factor D - SUPERVISION EXERCISED. This factor measures the degree to which the supervisor is actually responsible for the various facets of technical and administrative supervision; his or her involvement in such things as planning and organization, work assignment and review, and the exercise of supervisory personnel functions. This is, in effect, an expression of the extent of supervision received from higher levels and the extent of the supervisor's technical responsibility for the work produced.

DEGREE D-1 - 25 Points
At this level, the supervisor performs only basic super-vision, such as ensuring that work schedules are met, the work force is adequate to accomplish assigned tasks, and that adequate equipment and supplies are available for employees. Reviews work in progress or upon completion, explains any special instruction, and ensures that new employees are given proper training to perform the work. Overseas attendance and leave, approves sick and annual leave and vacation schedules, and evaluates the performance of subordinates through the Department and/or joint organization performance appraisal system. Any controversial or disciplinary measures must be referred to supervisors for adjudication.

DEGREE D-2 - 65 Points
At this level of supervision, performs the following supervisory functions:
- plans work schedules and sequence of operations on a regular basis for assigned element, ensuring that deadlines are met and that there is an even flow of work;
- revises work schedules to meet changes in Workload, including use of overtime when appropriate;
- gives special instructions on difficult or different operations, answering technical questions about the work;
- informs higher level supervisors of anticipated vacancies, increases in workload or other circumstances requiring replacements or additional staff;
- informally recommends promotions, reassignments, and recognition of outstanding performance by recommending awards;
- resolves informal complaints of employees that are within their jurisdiction, contacting higher levels of supervision for information and correction of unsatisfactory conditions;
- directs on-the-job training for employees, and provides back-up skills by cross training;
- advises employees of the performance requirements of their positions and keeps them informed individually on progress toward meeting requirements;
- holds corrective interviews with employees and refers disciplinary problems to higher level supervision;
- prepares formal evaluations of employee performance;
- explains to employees the main features and general procedures of promotion plans, training programs and opportunities, and seeks answers to more technical questions from higher level supervisors or staff specialists;
- informs employees about the policies, procedures and goals of management as it relates to the work or the element; and
- informs superiors of employee participation, suggestions and reactions.

DEGREE D-3 - 95 Points
Supervisors at this level have authority to plan for and make changes in the organization of work to achieve efficient and economical operations within allowable costs, staffing level, and policies established by higher levels of supervision. Has the authority to define the standards for the work and to prepare and issue internal instructions and procedures for its accomplishment. In addition to responsibilities for keeping employees and higher level supervisors informed of personnel matters that affect them, supervisors at this level have authority to prepare formal and follow-up actions for most supervisory personnel functions. Also, at this level the supervisor will have a substantial measure of responsibility for the technical soundness of work which they supervise. However, the normal work situation also provides sources to which the supervisor can turn for advice and assistance on the particularly difficult and out-of-the-ordinary technical problems. Provides inputs to supervisors on budgeting requirements of the element based on anticipated workload and production capability. Provides for all Of the normal personnel and administrative functions for the element, and is usually the supervisory level that provides the primary input for promotions and award recommendations within an organization.

DEGREE D-4 - 125 Points
At this level of supervision, the incumbent is responsible for supervising an organization through one or more levels of subordinate supervisors. In addition to the authority to make changes in the organization of work within allowable costs and establishes policies, has the authority to develop plans and schedules for guidance of subordinate supervisors for the accomplishment of work to meet program goals, objectives,-and broad priorities established by higher levels of management. Is responsible for defining quality standards and internal instructions and procedures, to establish operating guidelines for and to coordinate activities of subordinate supervisors relating to such matters as organizational structure, performance standards and work review, and reporting requirements to achieve goals and objectives of higher management. Has the authority to establish internal guidelines for and to approve, modify, or reject personnel actions of subordinate supervisors. Has full technical responsibility for the work of the organization.

DEGREE D-5 - 150 Points
Incumbent directs through subordinate layers of supervision the work of major component of the Activity. Is accountable for developing program goals and plans for the organization independently or jointly with senior managers or their equivalent in a major component of the Activity and is held responsible for the success or failure of programs that have a direct bearing on major activities of the intelligence community. Determines resource needs and allocation, accounts for their effective use, and determines the need for organizational changes which have considerable impact on the Activity (e.g., operating costs, key positions, etc.). Sets policy for the organization in such areas as determining program efforts with other key Activity elements or with the activities of other agencies. Delegates authority to subordinate supervisors and holds them responsible for the performance of their organizational elements. Has full and final technical responsibility for the work of the organization and its programs.

Factor E - COMPLEXITY OF WORK SUPERVISED. This factor measures the nature, level, and difficulty of the nonsupervisory work being supervised or managed. The level selected for this factor should represent the highest full performance level of nonsupervisory work both technically and administratively supervised found in the subordinate work unit(s)-.

Grade Level(s)Points
GS-1 through GS-435
GS-5 and GS-640
GS-7 and GS-845
GS-9 and GS-1050
Over GS-1580

CIPMS Grade Conversion Table for
Managerial and Supervisory Positions

Total PointsGS Grade