U.S. Army Regulation 690-13: Glossary

Table of Contents | Main | Introduction | Glossary | Index
Appendix A / References | Appendix B | Appendix C
Effective 29 October 1990

  Section I: Abbreviations
Section I: Abbreviations
Section II: Terms

affirmative action

Activity Career Program Manager

Army Civilian Training, Education, and Development System

Army Occupational Guide

Assistant Secretary of the Army (Manpower and Reserve Affairs)

Assistant Secretary of Defense (Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence)

Assistant Secretary of Defense (Force Management end Personnel)

CIPMS Advisory Group

Civilian Intelligence Personnel Management System

career program

career program manager

civilian personnel officer

Department of the Army

Director of Civilian Personnel

Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence

Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel

Defense Intelligence Special Career Automated System

Department of Defense

equal employment opportunity

exemplary performance award

functional chief

functional chief representative

field operating agency

Federal Personnel Manual

Federal Wage System

fiscal year

Headquarters, Department of the Army

Designator for PMRS pay system

General Schedule

Intelligence Career Development Program

Intelligence Center and School

individual development plan

Intelligence Personnel Management Office

Joint Travel Regulations

knowledge, skills, and abilities

major Army command

military intelligence

Merit Systems Protection Board

Office of the Chief of Military Intelligence

Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence

Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel

official personnel folder

Office of Personnel Management

Office of the Secretary of Defense

position management

Position Management and Classification

position management officer

Performance Management and Recognition System

quality step increase

reduction in force

Secretary of the Army

Special Act or Service Award

senior intelligence officer

U.S. Army Civilian Appellate Review Agency

  Section II: Terms

The present capacity or proficiency in performing a task or group of tasks which are requirements of a job; such as, oral communications or written communications. For GS positions, the term ability is often used interchangeably with skill.

Separate organizational component at various echelons of command within a department.

Activity career program manager
Generally, the senior civilian at the activity in a given career program. The activity career program manager, is appointed by the activity commander to provide advice and assistance with respect to the requirements and opportunities of that career program.

Administrative disqualification
Action taken after finding that an applicant for employment in a CIPMS position lacks fitness indicated by his or her character, conduct, and/or reputation.

Allocating authority
The authority to classify positions (assign title, series, and grade).

Bridge position
A position designed to equip the incumbent with the knowledge, skills and abilities to qualify for movement into a position in a different career path. Typically, these are positions in the technician career path that have been established to facilitate movement into the professional-administrative career path.

Budget authority
Control of an internal operating budget at the activity level which encompasses those elements of resource defined as civilian personnel resources. These include base salary, benefits, overtime, premium pay, and awards, and may be extended to include travel, recruitment and retention incentives, training, and other operating expenses.

Career ladder
A range of grades within an occupation or specialty which allows for a progressive increase of responsibility and employee competency. Career ladders may be limited to a single grade band or may cover multiple grade bends. Progression through a career ladder is dependent upon management discretion, the availability of funds, position management approvals, employee mobility, acquisition of competencies, and job performance.

Career path
A model reflecting the common career progression pattern of related groups of series or specialties. Career paths reflect the normal combination of grades into successive grade bands for the series or specialties associated with that path. Professional-administrative, technician, and clerical career paths have been established.

Career program manager
Appointed by the MACOM commander to serve as the counterpart of the functional chief for a given career program at the MACOM level.

CIPMS Advisory Group
An advisory body to the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Force Management end Personnel) on CIPMS matters. This group is chaired by a representative designated by ASD (FM&P) and includes a representative of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence), as well as representation from both the personnel end intelligence communities of the Army, Navy, and Air Force.

Classification standard
A set of documents, which provides information for determining the pay plan, title, series, and grade level of a position. The CIPMS Primary Grading Standard end approved Army Occupational Guides together represent the classification standard for GS positions.

Clerical career path
Progression of those occupations involving work accomplished to support an office or program to include the processing and maintenance of records and materials which represent the transactions or business of the organization. The work is generally performed within u structured framework of instructions, procedures, and/or working knowledge related to the tasks to be performed.

Condition of employment
A mandatory requirement or precondition for holding a position that is in addition to knowledge, skills, abilities, and/or educational qualification requirements.

Dual career track
Progression for both supervisory-managerial end nonsupervisory positions in the occupational specialties.

Factor degree description
A narrative description of a degree of difficulty of work. Each of the five CIPMS job classification factors for nonsupervisory or supervisory work is divided into degrees. Each degree has a point value. Nonsupervisory factor degree descriptions are described in broad terms in the CIPMS Primary Grading Standard. Factor degree descriptions for specific occupations or groups of occupations am found in the Army Occupational Guides.

Functional chief
The senior intelligence officer of the Army; that is, the Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence.

Grade band
A grade band consists of two or more grades denoting a common level of difficulty or responsibility of the work or a common level of knowledge, skills, end abilities required to perform the work (for example, Entry Level, Full Performance Level, end Expert Level). The grade bands improve the interface between position management and classification and other personnel processes such as training, merit promotion, career management, and performance management.

Intelligence community
Government organizations whose primary missions are in the intelligence or national security field.

Intelligence function
Any portion of a military department that performs an intelligence mission.

Specific information, usually of a factual nature, but also including nonfactual information such as theories or principles, which an individual must know to perform his or her job.

The incumbent of a managerial position who directs the work of an organization and is held accountable for the success of specific line or staff programs. The incumbent monitors the progress of the organization toward meeting goals and makes adjustments in objectives, work plans, schedules, and commitment of resources.

Merit principles
A set of principles guiding the overall Federal personnel management system, as delineated in section 2301, title 5, United States Code.

Occupational Guide
A two-part document that supplements the CIPMS Primary Grading Standard (or other approved grading standard) for specific occupations or specialties. Part I is developed jointly by the military departments; Part II is service-unique.

Performance award
Monetary or honorary awards or other appropriate recognition of an employee's performance made at the discretion of management.

Personnel management plan
A working plan to accomplish short- and long-range personnel management goals for an organization based on an assessment of mission, available resources, and the current status of the personnel management program in the organization.

Position management
The process whereby managers assign duties and responsibilities to positions and the structuring of these positions to form an organization that provides for effective and economical mission accomplishment, career development, and other management goals.

Position management officer
A line management official within an activity who provides expertise to assist in the resolution of difficult position structure, manpower, reorganization, or budget problems.

Primary grading standard
A document prescribing the method of evaluating supervisory and nonsupervisory positions in the General Schedule according to predetermined factors and predetermined weights for various degrees of these factors. The CIPMS Primary Grading Standard provides the primary guidance for grading CIPMS positions in the GS end is supplemented by Army Occupational Guides.

Professional-administrative career path
Progression of those occupations involving either�
  1. Work that requires knowledge in a field of science or learning characteristically acquired through education or training equivalent to a bachelor's or higher degree with major study in or pertinent to the specialized field, as distinguished from general education.
  2. Work that requires the exercise of analytical ability, judgment, discretion, personal responsibility, and the application of a substantial body of knowledge of underlying concepts, theories, and principles applicable to the field.

Long-term objective with many related projects and dedicated resources.

Short-term endeavor that supports a long-term program.

Qualification standard
A set of documents that prescribes the amount and type of experience, education, training, or other qualification requirement in order to measure an individual's ability to perform the duties of a specific position.

Remote work sites
Permanent duty stations so distant from the nearest established communities as to require a considerable degree of expense, hardship, and inconvenience beyond that normally encountered in metropolitan areas. Remote work sites are determined locally based on recruitment and retention history. This determination is supported by an analysis of such factors as distance, commuting time, and conditions, and the extent to which these factors result in significant expense, inconvenience, and hardship.

Scarce Skills
Qualifications that are in short supply in the pertinent labor market, as evidenced by the inability to fill new positions or replace former employees with well-qualified individuals in a timely manner.

Senior intelligence officer
The senior official (military or civilian) at a given organizational level (for example, activity or Command) who has responsibility for accomplishment of an intelligence mission.

Shortage category positions
Positions requiting scarce skills, as defined above.

The proficient manual, verbal, or mental manipulation of data or objects. Skills can be readily measured by a performance test that measures quality and quantity of performance, usually within established time bruits. Examples of proficient manipulation of objects are skills in typing or skills in operating a motor vehicle. Examples of manipulation of data include skills in mathematical computations or skills in editing transposed numbers.

Special salary rates
An approved set of pay rates that exceed the General Schedule rates that would otherwise be applicable. CIPMS special salary rates are established only upon a finding that competing sectors are paid substantially more, and that the salary gap significantly handicaps the recruitment and retention of well-qualified applicants.

Standardized performance plus
One or more elements, critical and/or non-critical, and accompanying performance standards for a number of employees with the same or similar career path, career ladder or specialty, career level, and grade.

A staff member who accomplishes work through others, directs subordinate employees in the performance of work, and is accountable to higher level management for the quantity and quality of the work.

Technician career path
Progression of those occupations involving nonroutine work typically associated with and supportive of a professional-administrative field to include "program" decision making but less than full competence in the field involved. The work is generally performed by applying clearly appropriate guidelines or knowledge of precedent action to a corresponding situation. It requires extensive practical knowledge, gained through on-the-job experience and/or specific training less than that represented by college graduation.

Undesirable work sites
Permanent duty stations at which extensive recruiting efforts have been unsuccessful in filling an adequate number of positions within a reasonable time. The record must show that recruiting is hampered by one or more of the following:
  1. Substandard facilities, equipment, or environmental factors.
  2. Cost of living.
  3. Lack of adequate housing, transportation, recreation, and social facilities in the commuting areas.

An organizational entity composed of all positions reporting to the same supervisor.

Unique qualifications
Qualifications that are a rare combination of education and/or experience immediately pertinent to the position.

Unusually high qualifications
Qualifications that are markedly superior to those which could be expected of a well-qualified candidate for the position to be filled.

Well-qualified candidates
Candidates who are capable of making a positive (not limited) contribution to the accomplishment of agency objectives, without requiring an unusual amount of training or supervision.