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Intelligence Personnel Management (DAMI-CP)
Who is DAMI-CP
DAMI-CP is Army's focal point for all aspects of the Defense Civilian Intelligence Personnel
System (DCIPS). This includes responsibility for developing personnel management policy, programs,
systems, and training. In addition, DAMI-CP represents Army and Intelligence Interests in management
of the MI Civilian workforce. writes and The
Department of the Army Military Intelligence- Civilian Personnel Directorate supports you if:
- You are a civilian covered by DCIPS
- You are military who manage/supervise employees covered by DCIPS
- You are a civilian who supervises/manages civilians covered by DCIPS
- You are a HC Professional who supports those involved with DCIPS
- You support the Army Mission
How do we work for you?
- By designing, Implementing , and administering Army-Wide Policy, Programs, Procedures, and Training Tools
- By providing Army-Wide Advice/Assistance and HC Management Training to ACOMs, ASCCs, DRUs, SIOs
& Supporting Personnel Offices
We Want to hear from you!
Send us questions, suggestions, complaints or great ideas:
DCIPS Public Page
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