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Intelligence Community Civilian Joint Duty Program (DAMI-CP)

The Intelligence Community (IC) Civilian Joint Duty Program is a Civilian personnel rotation system akin to Joint Duty (JD) in the Military, and over the past ten years, this program has provided thousands of Intelligence professionals with the opportunity to enrich their careers and skills by experiencing the IC beyond their home organizations. This program encourages and facilitates assignments and details of personnel to national intelligence centers and between elements of the IC.

In accordance with the Intelligence Community Directive 660 (formerly 601), an IC Joint Duty Rotation (JDR), formerly called Assignment (JDA) is defined as: (a) the detail of IC Civilian personnel to a position in another IC element or other relevant organization that provides an IC Civilian JD qualifying experience, or (b) the assignment of IC Civilian personnel to an approved internal position at the individual’s employing element that provides an IC Civilian JD qualifying experience for a period of at least 12 months and not more than 36 months.

A JDR provides a diverse work experience and offers distinct career advantages for employees. Careerists may apply for, and be selected for higher graded assignments. However, it is not considered a promotion, but, a developmental opportunity. A JDR develops the future leadership of the IC by providing employees with a broader understanding of IC missions and functions. A JDR is also essential in preparing employees for Senior Civilian leader roles in the IC. JDR participants and the people they lead understand the scope and complexity of the IC “enterprise” and are able to effectively integrate and engage the IC’s vast resources in support of our national security mission. (NOTE: Joint Duty certification is required for all Senior Civilian positions that report directly to the Head of an IC element.)

Employees within the IC are eligible to apply for a JDR at the GG-11 level and above (as of 31 Jan 2013). Employees at lower grades may apply for a JDR; however, in accordance with the current guidance and DNI memo, the position must be GG-11 or above to receive JD credit.

Candidates serving in overseas assignments must complete and fulfill their assignment overseas before being eligible to apply for JDR assignments within CONUS; as well as comply with all overseas policies and transportation agreements. However, overseas candidates may participate in a JDR SWAP within their geographical location with other overseas IC agencies serving in the same location, as long as there is no conflict with other Army policies. You should have at least 3-6 months remaining on the current assignment “upon completion” of the JDR.

To find out more about the Joint Duty Program, please contact the Army Joint Duty Program Manager:

Marcus Franklin
(703) 695-1047 (com) or 984-8354(s) (NIPR) or (JWICS)

You can also visit the Joint Duty website on JWICS at https:// or on NIPR at https:// (using a .gov or .mil email address).
How to Apply for Joint Duty

1. Log on to the JD websites on either NIPR or JWICS. The links are below. (Click: Vacancies Tab) (PKI Certificates required to access JWICS. See IT Department for assistance.)
a. JD (NIPR): careers/joint-duty/vacancies
b. JD (JWICS):

2. Select a JD Vacancy Announcement.

3. Follow the steps required on the vacancy (and submit your JD packet through your Agency JD POC to the HQDA, JD Program Office when submitting a hard copy JD application.

4. IAW ICD 660 (JD Policy), all JD applications require an endorsement (memo) from the command authorizing and endorsing the release of an employee (the memo must be signed by the supervisor and second level supervisor, as a minimum.

5. An employee is not eligible to apply for a JD unless both supervisors agree to release the employee.

6. The Employing Element JDPM formally accepts the JD on behalf of the employee in the Joint Duty Application Tool (JDAT). Afterwards, the Gaining Element JDPM initiates the formal MOU in the JDAT. Throughout the MOU vetting process, agency JDPMs (with supervisors input) at both the gaining and employing agencies, are negotiating the pieces of the MOU, until agreed upon. JDPMs must ensure the MOU is accurately completed (the POC, Financial, and Performance Management Sections, including the IRS 7600a/b Budget Forms, and any MIPRs to ensure salary/locality benefits are properly transferred).

7. Employees will only be released from Army Commands to perform a JD, after the MOU has been signed and agreed upon by all parties, to include, the employee’s signature in JDAT only.

8. The Command Releasing Official for MOUs is (usually the Commander or his Designated Official) in the JDAT only.

9. Agencies will coordinate with servicing HR Offices/ CPACs to ensure compliance with all personnel policies and practices before employees are released on a JD (i.e. SF 50 / travel pay).

10. Activity JDPMs will provide HQDA with copies of JD MOUs created outside the JDAT (i.e. amendments).

11. Activity JDPMs are responsible for issuing JDA pins and annotating personnel files within DCPDS upon successful completion of a JD. An adjudicated JD Claim Form signed by HQDA is the document(s) used to verify a completed JDR.

12. Temporary Change of Stations (TCS) Orders are required for travel between duty stations, subject to the Joint Travel Regulation (JTR). JDPMs and/or CPMs must contact the servicing Budget Office for assistance to ensure compliance with the JTR as it pertains to TCS Orders and its’ requirements.

13. The Joint Duty Assignment Tool (JDAT) is the primary method to apply for a JDR. The tool is located and available, “only” on JWICS. This is the preferred way to apply for a JD (electronically). If you have access to JWICS, apply for a JD through JDAT instead of a manual (hard copy) submission.

14. JD SWAPS between agencies are always encouraged.

15. Overseas (OCONUS) employees must ensure that all Foreign Service Tour (FST) requirements are met; and, there are no violations of Army policy prior to applying for and starting a JD (especially when travel is required.) JD packets will be verified and vetted through local OCONUS CPAC and Transportation Offices for Army employees participating in the JD Program. (Benefits may be impacted.)

16. REMEMBER: Employees will not be released from Army Commands without an approved and signed MOU, nor without TCS orders, (if applicable). An MOU must be signed by both the Employing Agency, Gaining Agency, and the employee. The Releasing Official from all Army Commands is the Commander, or their Designated Official.


Communication and early planning between an employee and supervisor is key to successful JD Reintegration. Army Military Intelligence (MI) reintegrates employees upon completion of a JDR IAW the formal JD Memorandum of Understanding/Agreement (MOU/MOA), (usually) ensuring that employee(s) resume their former position. Discussions about follow-on assignments should begin no later than 120 days before the completion of the JDR to prevent any surprises. Placement of JD employees into another equivalent position must be discussed with the JD candidate (prior to his/her return. Supervisors must also consult with appropriate offices, (such as CPAC and Manpower) to ensure no violations of Army policies. If placing employees in a new position, the new position must be comparable to the previous position held (i.e., same grade). The employee should be included in discussions about a new follow-on assignment. When considering placement opportunities, the employing element should also take into account the employee’s new knowledge, skills, and experiences obtained while on JDR. Returning employees may also seek other assignments or promotions by applying to vacancies on
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