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Effective January 1, 2015, functions performed by the Operations & Plans Directorate (DAMI-OP) are now managed by the Plans & Integration Directorate (DAMI-PI).
Please find the new website at http://www.dami.army.pentagon.mil/DAMI-PI.aspx.
Access to this website will cease on April 1, 2015.
Operations and Plans Directorate
Our Mission
DAMI-OP is responsible for coordinating,
integrating, and synchronizing intelligence
plans and emerging intelligence
capabilities, as well as developing
solutions to Army Force Generation
(ARFORGEN) requirements. The directorate
provides policy oversight of Army Signals,
Geospatial, Imagery, Measurement and
Signature Intelligence capabilities, and
develops and implements Geospatial and
Weather positions and policies. DAMI-OP is
the proponent for the Army Foreign Language
Program, and serves as the executive agent
for the Department of Defense Contract
Linguist Program.
- Army 2020 and Intel 2020 Lead
- DA and G-2 policy development
and positions: SIGINT, GEOINT,
MASINT, Weather, Cyber and Space
- Current Ops, Readiness,
Sourcing, Training, DA Proponent for
Foreign Languages, Contract
Linguists, and Strategy
- Army Intelligence - Campaign
Initiatives Group (AI-CIG) Oversight
- Weekly ODNI Report, Weekly
Cabinet Report
Operations and Plans Directorate
Director: 703-695-1623
Deputy Director: 703-695-1609
Program Support Assistants:
Operations Division (DAMI-OPO)
Division Chief: 703-695-1613
Plans Division (DAMI-OPP)
Division Chief: 703-695-2909
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