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Plans and Policy Division (DAMI-OPP)
Provide Policy, Planning and oversight of Army SIGINT, MASINT, GEOINT and EW activities. Intelligence
Support to Information and Army Cyber Operations. Develop and Coordinate Army G-2 positions on ODNI,
USD(I) policy issuances. Manage G-2 participation in the Army Campaign Plan (ACP), Army 2020, Service
and Bilateral Staff Talks, Capability Portfolio Reviews (CPRs), Business Systems Information Technology
(BSIT), Continuity of Operations (COOP), and Senior Energy
& Sustainability Council (SESC)
OPP (Plans and Policy)
- DNI/USD(I) Interface
- OBT Interface
- Intel Support to COCOM Planning
- Army Campaign Plan
- Strategic Communications
- Service Staff Talks
- US Bilateral Staff Talks
- Continuity of Operations (COOP)
- Capabilities/Reqts Reviews
- Homeland Security
- Irregular Warfare
- Policy Coord Rev and Repository
- Army 2020 and Intel 2020
- GEOINT Policy and Func Mgt
- Space-Based Intel Policy & Systems
- MASINT Policy & Func Mgt
- NRO Coordination Team
- Cyber - CNA & CNE
- SIGINT Policy, Planning, Training
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