DCIPS Glossary
Adjusted Market Rate Change
An amount established by the analysis of market data for all Defense
Intelligence locality areas, adjusted in accordance with standard practice
to create a national Defense Intelligence base compensation structure that
has reference back to the GS base structure.
Base Compensation Structure
The worldwide pay structure applicable to all DCIPS employees unadjusted for
local or market differences.
Base Rate Pay Band
A single rate range within the DCIPS base compensation structure that
establishes the range of pay for a work category, occupational group, and
work level.
Closeout Performance Evaluation
A narrative description and numeric evaluation of an eligible
employee’s performance under an approved performance plan when there is a
change in the rating official. The closeout performance evaluation is
completed by the supervisor or rating official and conveys information
regarding the employee’s progress toward completion of performance
objectives and performance against the performance elements. A closeout
performance evaluation is not an evaluation of record but shall be used to
inform the rating official of employee accomplishments and/or needed
improvement for the period covered by the evaluation.
Control Point
A target point within a DCIPS pay band that serves both as a
reference point for establishing the relationship between employee base
compensation and the relevant labor market and for moderating the rate of
progression of an employee through a pay band.
Evaluation of Record
The summary performance rating, derived from the employee’s
ratings on his or her performance elements and performance objectives,
assigned during the annual evaluation of employee performance that is used
for official purposes including decisions on pay increases as part of the
DCIPS annual pay-decision process. The evaluation of record constitutes the
“official evaluation of record” for the purposes of this issuance.
Evaluation/Rating Period
The annual period from creation of the employee performance plan through
completion of the annual performance evaluation and evaluation of record.
For DCIPS, the evaluation period covers the period from October 1 through
September 30 each year. The effective date of the performance evaluation
will be the date on which the reviewer approves the rating but not later
than November 15 each calendar year.
General Grade Equivalent
During the DCIPS Interim period, all DCIPS employees were aligned to a
GS/GG grade, known as a General Grade Equivalent (GGE). GGEs will be the
Army Intelligence community’s “virtual crosswalk” to the GG pay plan during
the DCIPS Interim period. Because employees remain in pay bands (and not
grades), these markers enabled employees to better understand how future
pay adjustments were being made in accordance with the General
Schedule/General Grade (GS/GG) pay setting rules.
Individual Development Plan (IDP)
A document prepared jointly by the supervisor and employee as
part of the annual performance planning process that outlines development
objectives for the employee. IDPs may include training, education,
individual coaching, work assignment, or other activities designed to
improve the employee’s capability within his or her career field.
Interim or Temporary Assignment Report of Performance
A narrative description of an employee’s accomplishments
prepared by a supervisor other than the rating official during an employee’s
temporary assignment or deployment, generally for periods of 90 days or
Interim Period
The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) suspended certain Secretary
of Defense DCIPS pay setting authorities through 31 December 2010 to allow
for an independent review of the program. Due to this suspension, USD(I)
made a decision to identify the time between 28 October 2009 and 31 December
2010 as the DCIPS Interim period.
Local Market Supplement
An addition to the base compensation of employees assigned to a geographic
region, or to an occupation within a geographic or range of geographic
regions, that reflects the competitive requirements for the applicable labor
market. On initial implementation of DCIPS, this amount generally will
correspond to GS locality rates and is considered part of basic
compensation. The local market supplement is considered base pay for
retirement purposes.
The point halfway between the minimum and maximum of a pay band or work level.
The midpoint is the default control point for all DCIPS pay bands and serves
as the reference point for establishing the relationship between DCIPS rate
ranges and the applicable labor market.
Midpoint Performance Review
A mandatory review of an employee's performance conducted
approximately midway through the performance evaluation period.
Mission Categories
Broad classifications of work that reflect the various DoD Intelligence
Component missions and functions and that align to designated budget
categories for both the National Intelligence Program and the Military
Intelligence Program.
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010 (FY2010)
On 28 October 2009, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year
2010 (NDAA FY2010) was signed into law. The Act did not repeal or terminate
DCIPS but it did suspend certain Secretary of Defense DCIPS pay setting
authorities through 31 December 2010 to allow for an independent review of
the program.
Occupational Group
One or more functionally-related occupations, specialties,
families, or classes of positions that share distinct, common technical
qualifications; competency requirements; career paths; and progression
Pay Band
A single rate range within the DCIPS compensation structure that
establishes the range of pay for a work category, occupational group, and
work level.
Pay Pool
A grouping of employees within the organization whose performance is
assessed annually, collectively and individually, based on performance
against individual and organizational objectives, for distribution of funds
allocated base-pay increase monetary awards based upon the last DCIPS rating of record. (
DCIPS performance-based bonuses which were part of the pay pool process were eliminated during 3rd Quarter of Fiscal Year 2022. Pay Pools going forward are used solely for determining DCIPS base-pay increase monetary awards in the form of an additional step increase based upon the employees current DCIPS performance rating of record.)
Pay Pool Performance Review Authority (Pay Pool PRA)
The Pay Pool PRA is a senior executive or board of executives
within the chain of command of the employees included in the pay pool. The
pay pool PRA provides the oversight function in the DCIPS performance-based
pay process by: reviewing component-wide pay pool recommendations for
consistency and fairness at the end of the pay pool process and providing
final approval of pay pool determinations for implementation.
Pay Pool Manager
The individual designated to manage the pay pool is responsible
for the effective operation of the pay pool.
Performance Application Tool (PAA)
The PAA Tool is a Department of Defense (DoD)-wide tool used to manage
performance under DCIPS. All performance objectives must be entered into the
PAA Tool and all performance ratings for employees are maintained in the
Performance Element
A standard set of behaviors for all DCIPS positions, derived
from analysis of the work being performed by employees that are necessary
for successful performance of that work.
Performance Evaluation
The written or otherwise recorded evaluation of performance and
accomplishments rated against DCIPS performance elements and objectives.
Performance Feedback
Management or supervisory communication with an employee throughout the
evaluation period to provide feedback and convey employee performance levels
and progress against the employee’s performance plan.
Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)
Employees must be placed on a PIP when, in the Rating Official’s judgment,
an employee’s performance is such that failure to improve could result in a
summary evaluation of “Unacceptable” at the end of
the evaluation period. The PIP informs the employee, in writing, which
objective(s) and/or element(s) are being performed in an unacceptable
manner, explain specifically what is needed to meet the objective(s) and/or
element(s), what assistance will be provided, and the consequences of
failing to improve during the PIP period of 60 to 90 days.
Performance Management
The process of planning, setting, aligning, and communicating
individual and organizational performance expectations to employees;
monitoring and measuring their performance; providing feedback; taking
appropriate steps to improve employee performance; addressing poor
performance; and rating and rewarding employee performance to reflect the
accomplishment of individual and organizational goals and objectives.
Performance Management Performance Review Authority (PM PRA)
The PM PRA provides oversight of the rating process to assure
consistency in the application of principles and criteria and resolves
employee requests for reconsideration.
Performance Objectives
Information that relates individual job assignments or position
responsibilities and/or accomplishments to performance elements and
standards and to the mission, goals, and objectives of the Army.
Performance Plan
All of the written or otherwise recorded performance elements,
standards, and objectives against which the employee’s performance is
Performance Standards
Descriptors by performance element of “Successful” performance
thresholds, requirements, or expectations for each career path and pay band.
Personal Base Pay Rate
The base rate of pay, reported as an annualized, hourly,
biweekly, or monthly rate, to which an individual employee is entitled based
on pay band level and individual performance.
Progressive Discipline
The procedure for evaluation by a management official to decide
what the penalty shall be as part of a disciplinary action. Progressive
discipline is an element of just cause and provides guidelines in assessing
penalties. It does not require any rigid application of a progression of
penalties but rather requires an evaluation of whether the application of
the progression of lesser penalties to more harsh penalties is appropriate.
It may be entirely appropriate that more severe, or the harshest of
penalties may be appropriate for even a first offense. Under this concept of
progressive discipline, a manager may select any penalty considered
appropriate, subject to the overall principle of just cause.
Rating of Record
The summary performance rating, derived from the employee’s ratings on his
or her performance elements and performance objectives, assigned during the
annual appraisal of employee performance that is used for official purposes.
The rating drives pay increases as part of the annual review process under
DCIPS. The rating of record constitutes the “official rating of record.”
Rating Official
The official in an employee’s chain of command, generally the supervisor,
responsible for conducting performance planning, managing performance
throughout the evaluation period, and preparing the end-of-year performance
evaluation on an employee.
Reconsideration Process
The administrative reconsideration process which is fully described in the
Army Interim Policy, Volume 2011 – DCIPS Performance Management, is the
process by which DCIPS employees may challenge their rating of record.
Representative Rate Method
The representative rate method is used by Title 5 organizations to determine
how to set base pay for employees who move between agencies that operate
under different pay setting systems. This method will be used during the
DCIPS Interim period to determine the GGE for employees who 1) were on board
at the time of conversion to DCIPS on 19 July 2009 and have received a
promotion since conversion and 2) were hired after conversion to DCIPS but
before the National Defense Authorization Act was signed on 28 October 2009.
Reviewing Official
An individual in the rating official’s direct chain of supervision
designated by the Head of the DoD Component to assess supervisor preliminary
performance ratings for accuracy, consistency, and compliance with policy.
The reviewing official is the approving official for each performance
evaluation within his or her purview.
SMART Framework
Allows employees to write clear, concise, measurable statements
(Performance Objectives) that describe the specifics of what the employee
plans to accomplish. The acronym stands for Specific, Measurable,
Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound.
Targeted Labor Market Supplement
An addition to the base compensation of employees assigned to a specific
occupation or locality not appropriately recognized by a local market
supplement. The targeted labor market supplement is considered basic pay for
retirement purposes.
Work Category
Broad sets of related occupational groups that are characterized by common
types of work (i.e., technician/administrative support, professional, or
supervision/ management). Each work category broadly defines the
responsibilities of each.
Work Levels
General descriptions that define work in terms of increasing complexity,
span of authority and/or responsibility, level of supervision (received or
exercised), scope and impact of decisions, and work relationships associated
with a particular work category. The work levels are: Entry/Developmental,
Full Performance, Senior and Expert.